Laptop advice

Oct 19, 2007 19:54

My wife wants us to get a somewhat inexpensive laptop, mostly to be used during travel to surf the web, check email, and play a few games.  I was thinking something with an NVidia 8400G or GS, or ideally a 8600GT.  Screen of 14.1" or 15.4", 1 GB RAM (2 is nice, not necessary), 80-120GB HD, CD-RW/DVD-ROM is fine, etc.  Expected games to be played will be maybe Civ IV, Guild Wars, EVE Online, GTA: San Andreas... ie, no super-modern FPSes or anything.

I was looking at a Dell Vostro 1500, but rumor has it that sometimes Dell machines are incompatible with NVidia's reference drivers, and I don't want to get stuck with their infrequently-updated and customized drivers.  Price ideally under $1k, lower is better.

Any suggestions from my laptop-using friends out there?
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