Oct 01, 2005 03:26
You know, the gall of some people. My ex-roommate's mother is in the hospital, we have no idea WHY she's in the hospital and her mother's friend left me a message on my phone a couple of days ago to let me know to tell said ex-roommate that her mother couldn't pick her up (I just got it today). The first thing this girl says is 'DAMMIT!', and the next is 'she's never going to get her life together, it's never going to happen.' What it basically amounts to in this whiny tone is 'poor me, poor little princess, whom my mother dotes upon, I have to walk and I don't care that my MOTHER's In the hospital, I just care that my fat ass has to walk' AND on top of it, the ENTIRE walk is about ten minutes longer then the NORMAL walk to the dorm! I don't believe how selfish some people can be!