A couple of weeks ago,
nicci_mac asked me, rather sneakily, if I'd thought any more about my own website. This is an idea I have been blithering about (but doing nothing about) for two years or more. I trotted out my usual pathetic excuses - some of which were valid ( I do actually have IT skills that have to be rated in negative numbers). So she said...
Ka-boom! Ker-pow! Zooooooooooooooooom, Beep Beep! Various, assorted magical noises.
Or something like that.
And here I am - literally two weeks later with the PRETTIEST website evah!
From a vague conversation with me, a picture I happen to like and a selection of ridiculously inappropriate fonts,
nicci_mac has designed something so perfectly what I wanted, I'm beginning to wonder if she's psychic or something. She also hosted it for me.
And then, my OTHER fairy Godmother,
ximeria, sat down and coded all this prettiness for me, so everyone else could share it.
So all my Due South Stories are now in one place. All my Stargate SG-1 stories are still hosted at Pepe's Place.
I am so speechless that they did this for me - unasked, unpaid and unaided - that I fear whatever I do say will sound trite. Suffice it to say that I am unendingly grateful to both of them for their hard work and their huge talent.
So it's
here - go and see for yourselves! Then tell them how clever they are!
Thank you kindly.