"No one is saying you CANT have gay marriage, you just cant have it in America. Because the majority of the people arent comfortable with it. we should respect them? Then they should respect us. Majority rules
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The dollar has been dropping drastically, thanks to Bush being re-lected and the huge defecit that America is in.
As for the minority/majority thing, they bring that shit upon themselves. They say they want to be just like everyone else and they are equal but they go out and they have a parade because they suck dick (hey, it's the truth, I'm just not going to sugar coat it). Girls suck dick too, where is parade for the females ? Blacks and the spanish claim to be equal yet they get an extra 1.0 added to their GPA, they don't have a problem with that though. That right there shows that they themselves don't think they are equal and that they need an extra 1.0.
Nobody will ever be happy, they wont upset the majority of the US to let the minority get by. Let them leave the country and have their marriage until America is ready to accept the facts that there isn't a difference. It will most likely be when our generation is running for president, since we have been more exposed to gays than the previous generation when it was "taboo". Being gay and bi is the new cool fad.
"lol owned", I don't know what I would have done without that contribution to this post.
thank epathy, for using so many words to clearly identify yourself as a fucking bigot! Blacks marched all over the country for equal rights, thats why gays do it! Did you notice that after blacks gained more rights, the number of "parades" decreased dramatically. Organized marches and protests are a foundation of our government. Read our Constitution you dumb fuck!
"New cool fad" ??!!! You think I chose to be hated by 53% of our country? You think I chose to be discriminated against? Maybe your problem isn't that you're a bigot, its that you're an ignorant bigot!
big·ot n. One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
Not once did I mention a dislike or an intolerance to any minority group but only towards the special treatment they recieve and that I don't recieve because I am a straight white male. Yet they don't notice that while they gladly accept their Affirmative Action bullshit they are just leading into the point that's being sent across; That they are different from others and should be treated differently. Why the fuck should they recieve special treatment because they are of a different minority ? Why should a white male who is more qualified for a job not recieve that job because a less qualified black man applied and is going to sue if he doesn't get it ?
I'm interested to know where you got your numbers from, to know that exactly 53% of the US hates you because you are gay (I'm assuming because if that picture is you, you don't look of a minority (correct me if I am wrong). Yet you missed my point with the cool new fad statement. I'm talking about the middle school kid who does it so his friends thinks that he is cool. For the little goth kid (yeah I have a thing for goths) who tells her male friends that she is a lesbian because nobody will talk to her otherwise.
I have nothing but respect for anyone who is a homosexual/bisexual and is not doing it for attention, in my eyes there is no difference and perhaps that's why I don't see the need for you to have parades and all. Just remember that you make yourself different from people when you act like you are different.
After reading the Constitution (just for you), I can gladly report that the words "Marches" and "Protest" are not in the Constitution. You dumb fuck.
a brief correction to the text: perhaps i should have said Bill of Rights, and if you look I never said those words exactly were in there. I was, however, speaking of the freedom to assemble, guaranteed to us by the BoRs, which is part of the Constitution, and embraces the buzz words we use today like "march" and "protest."
and yes, u prove your partiality to your own race/gender by simple statements like: "Just remember that you make yourself different from people when you act like you are different." Blacks don't "act different." They are black by nature. And as for gays, How is demanding equality acting different? You show your ignorance. It isn't simply a matter of letting us be. It's that we can't marry!!! If we could, like everyone else, than we wouldn't need to cry inequality! Keep affirmative action out of civil rights. they are two separate issues.
I was using the 53% to imply the 53% of the US that voted for Bush on Nov 2nd. and no, thats not my picture, thats a hot rugby dude, just ask Smiley.
perhaps we should both choose our words more carefully. however, all i did was offend you with my post, you managed to take on the entire gay community (and the blacks too).
btw: i'm a semi-privledged white male too. if i didn't tell u, u wouldn't know i'm gay. if we weren't forcibily segregated by these asinine marriage laws, i wouldn't even be a minority. just another american.
As you can see all I am doing is calling inequality with my Affirmative Action point. Yet by doing so that makes me an "ignorant bigot".
"You think I chose to be hated by 53% of our country?". 53% (Or whatever the number is) of America didn't vote to ban gay marriages, they voted that they thought that Bush would be a better leader than Kerry would.
If you think that parades are the answer to the gay rights problem, you are wrong. They won't do shit because the people in office right now don't give a shit. It's going to take our generation (I'm assuming you're around the same age as I) to get into office because we have been exposed to gays more (No this isn't a demeaning comment, so don't go fucking crazy, all it's saying is that we have no problem with them). I don't see a problem with it and I am sure that 80% of today's youth isn't bothered by it. It's just going to take someone from our generation to get into office to make it all okay.
If this post got to the whole gay community then I am quite proud of myself. If I offended the whole gay community (minus my 3 friends who thought that this arguing is the funniest thing going on right now) then that's even better. Throw in the blacks and thats like bonus points.
If I knew who the hell Smiley was, I'd ask him about the hot rugby guy.
Just calm down about it all and see it started out as a joke, if you're that offended by this and you're planning on parading infront of my house then I apologize.
Just don't have a heartattack over all of this; You will one day be allowed to be miserable with every other married man (whether straight or gay). It's just going to take our generation to get into office.
As for the minority/majority thing, they bring that shit upon themselves. They say they want to be just like everyone else and they are equal but they go out and they have a parade because they suck dick (hey, it's the truth, I'm just not going to sugar coat it). Girls suck dick too, where is parade for the females ? Blacks and the spanish claim to be equal yet they get an extra 1.0 added to their GPA, they don't have a problem with that though. That right there shows that they themselves don't think they are equal and that they need an extra 1.0.
Nobody will ever be happy, they wont upset the majority of the US to let the minority get by. Let them leave the country and have their marriage until America is ready to accept the facts that there isn't a difference. It will most likely be when our generation is running for president, since we have been more exposed to gays than the previous generation when it was "taboo". Being gay and bi is the new cool fad.
"lol owned", I don't know what I would have done without that contribution to this post.
"New cool fad" ??!!! You think I chose to be hated by 53% of our country? You think I chose to be discriminated against? Maybe your problem isn't that you're a bigot, its that you're an ignorant bigot!
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
Not once did I mention a dislike or an intolerance to any minority group but only towards the special treatment they recieve and that I don't recieve because I am a straight white male. Yet they don't notice that while they gladly accept their Affirmative Action bullshit they are just leading into the point that's being sent across; That they are different from others and should be treated differently. Why the fuck should they recieve special treatment because they are of a different minority ? Why should a white male who is more qualified for a job not recieve that job because a less qualified black man applied and is going to sue if he doesn't get it ?
I'm interested to know where you got your numbers from, to know that exactly 53% of the US hates you because you are gay (I'm assuming because if that picture is you, you don't look of a minority (correct me if I am wrong). Yet you missed my point with the cool new fad statement. I'm talking about the middle school kid who does it so his friends thinks that he is cool. For the little goth kid (yeah I have a thing for goths) who tells her male friends that she is a lesbian because nobody will talk to her otherwise.
I have nothing but respect for anyone who is a homosexual/bisexual and is not doing it for attention, in my eyes there is no difference and perhaps that's why I don't see the need for you to have parades and all. Just remember that you make yourself different from people when you act like you are different.
After reading the Constitution (just for you), I can gladly report that the words "Marches" and "Protest" are not in the Constitution. You dumb fuck.
and yes, u prove your partiality to your own race/gender by simple statements like: "Just remember that you make yourself different from people when you act like you are different." Blacks don't "act different." They are black by nature. And as for gays, How is demanding equality acting different? You show your ignorance. It isn't simply a matter of letting us be. It's that we can't marry!!! If we could, like everyone else, than we wouldn't need to cry inequality! Keep affirmative action out of civil rights. they are two separate issues.
I was using the 53% to imply the 53% of the US that voted for Bush on Nov 2nd. and no, thats not my picture, thats a hot rugby dude, just ask Smiley.
perhaps we should both choose our words more carefully. however, all i did was offend you with my post, you managed to take on the entire gay community (and the blacks too).
btw: i'm a semi-privledged white male too. if i didn't tell u, u wouldn't know i'm gay. if we weren't forcibily segregated by these asinine marriage laws, i wouldn't even be a minority. just another american.
"You think I chose to be hated by 53% of our country?". 53% (Or whatever the number is) of America didn't vote to ban gay marriages, they voted that they thought that Bush would be a better leader than Kerry would.
If you think that parades are the answer to the gay rights problem, you are wrong. They won't do shit because the people in office right now don't give a shit. It's going to take our generation (I'm assuming you're around the same age as I) to get into office because we have been exposed to gays more (No this isn't a demeaning comment, so don't go fucking crazy, all it's saying is that we have no problem with them). I don't see a problem with it and I am sure that 80% of today's youth isn't bothered by it. It's just going to take someone from our generation to get into office to make it all okay.
If this post got to the whole gay community then I am quite proud of myself. If I offended the whole gay community (minus my 3 friends who thought that this arguing is the funniest thing going on right now) then that's even better. Throw in the blacks and thats like bonus points.
If I knew who the hell Smiley was, I'd ask him about the hot rugby guy.
Just calm down about it all and see it started out as a joke, if you're that offended by this and you're planning on parading infront of my house then I apologize.
Just don't have a heartattack over all of this; You will one day be allowed to be miserable with every other married man (whether straight or gay). It's just going to take our generation to get into office.
--gay friends? are they cute? and legal?
--smiley is the author of the original piece to which we are responding, and is the person we have in common. geez, i thought u knew the guy.. ;)
--me calm? trust me, my friends have found this as much a "hoot" as yours!
--the parade in front of ur house is already scheduled for next week. sorry, too late to call it off.
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