
Nov 05, 2004 01:40

"No one is saying you CANT have gay marriage, you just cant have it in America. Because the majority of the people arent comfortable with it. we should respect them? Then they should respect us. Majority rules."


Up until the mid 1900's the majority believed that blacks were unworthy of rights to education, property, and suffrage. Durring WW2 the majority of Germany believed the Jewish faith was the downfall of the empire and had to be executed. The majority of the world also believed women had no right in politics whatsoever...
Majority Rules. Right?
I'm not so sure you fully understand what you're getting at. Saying you cant have gay marriage in America means you cant have gay marriage. You're putting off an image to people that in order to be gay and married, you're going to have to leave the country. You're basically telling the black person that wanted an education that hes going to have to go somewhere else to get it, because the majority doesn't believe he should have the opportunity.
The way you blantanly say to respect the majority rule kind of alarms me. It is often that the majority ends up opressing the minority, such as gays, and this is why America and the ideals of John Locke came into reality. What I got from your speech was that the majority should rule over the minority based on beliefs, even when "equal and fair" isn't necissarly being proposed.
I took your advice and looked up human rights. The basic freedoms to which all humans are entitled, often held to the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.
The problem with the countrys outlook on gay people is how they look at being gay. It seems to me "the hicks" (haha) think of gay in a [Having sex before marriage = wrong] rather than [3+3=4 = wrong] kind of a way. While the first option is based on belief, the other subsides by fact. When people believe being gay is wrong, it comes as a belief, not a fact. Believing people to be gay and wrong is okay, and apart of American value, just as the KKK openly hating non-white people. The problem comes when the Majority rules the minority based on the belief, and not the fact.
When it all comes down to it, Gay marriage shouldn't even be a government issue. People are married through the church, and it is recognized by the government. Marriage comes with benefits with taxes and banking that the government put out as a HUMAN RIGHT to the people. The fact that you try to discriminate those rights between the sex of the couples is flat out wrong. [3+3=4 way] Moving full fledge into 2000's, Episcopalian and Catholic churches have began to appoint gay and lesbian leadership, and even Priest positions. Slowly people will began to see that it is a human right of "civil union," and if a church deems "holly matrimony" as an ok, it should be satisfied. It was the church that put the push on America to end slavery, it was the church that pushed women into fighting for votes, and I think slowly enough the church will deem gay people as people, nonetheless.
Being open minded means being able to take everything everyone around you has taught you, and throw it in the trash. Being open minded does not come from seeing one issue two ways, but accept an issue based on your own logic without ideals.
"You just talk like an idiot"
-that was just uncalled for.
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