Jun 29, 2007 08:36
I just got home from Dan's birthday dinner at Kibarashi. It's my favourite place, but I wasn't really in the mood to party. I had pretty good day at work until the end when I checked my survey results and saw that I got my first D for talking time. The Canadian culture side of me says that I shouldn't worry about it so much because most of my other grades have been pretty good, but the Japanese work culture side that has infected me recently says that I should care beyond what's humanly possible. I never got a D on my first survey results in January and I'm guessing that I'll be the only teacher who gets a D in all of EC. I know that higher level students are way more critical and my harshest critics have been teachers. The problem is that I don't think of myself as an actual teacher because I didn't go to school and receive the proper training to teach. My degree is in global studies and anthropology. I want to work for an organization that fights HIV/AIDS. This job is ok most of the time, but it doesn't satisfy me at the end of the day and I don't love it. I want to LOVE my job!!! I have one more day of surveys and it'll be the worst. I have some shitty classes and some harsh critics to teach. I don't think I'm cut out to handle the pressure and responsibility of this job. It's way too much for me. I also have a tough time dealing with the fact that Japanese culture is such that they only tell you when you're doing something wrong and not what you're doing right. I can't handle being told what I'm doing wrong all the time. It doesn't motivate me to do better. I don't work that way. On the positive side, there was some nice eye candy at Kibarashi tonight. That's always enjoyable!!