Jun 20, 2007 05:53
I just finished eating some fried instant ramen noodles and am listening to Fleetwood Mac. I also have my sliding glass door open so I can listen to the rain. It's not coming down as hard as it was when I first got home, bit it still sounds good. I've pretty much figured out what I'm wearing to Sapporo tomorrow and what I will wear the day after coming home. I'm a bit nervous about the trip. They're supposed to train me to do counselling and orientation lessons, but I have the feeling it's going to be something else---something not good. I also haven't been there since my "training" last November and I'm worried about how I'll handle it. I didn't think much of it at the time, but the whole "training" experience has scarred me in ways I hadn't realized. I cringe at the thought of seeing Mr. Yamaya again. He freaks me out. I'm going to make some notes before I go and hope for the best. They're so short staffed that I can't imagine they'd pull something stupid that would send me on the first plane back to Canada, but you never know.
Today was also not a great day at work for me. All my lessons were lessons I haven't taught before, so some of them were absolute shit. I did the best I could. I don't like to repeat lessons, so I try to do a lesson that nobody has done, but the lessons that are left to choose from are crap. I've decided that it's better to repeat a lesson that is beneficial than to try to teach a lesson that is crap. I think I'm gonna try to find some new lessons to do, maybe create my own. I also have my wokshop on Saturday and only 2 students have signed up for it. I'm not sure if students haven't signed up because they don't have time, don't know about it or don't like me. I asked some students to come, but they were all busy. Tomoko said she usually mentions workshops to students after the notices go up because many students don't read the notice board. So far I've learned that I need to have certain students in mind for workshops and find the best day and time. Maybe the third time I do a workshop I'll get the hang of it.