Title: Those Three last words...
Dark_dreamer123 Pairing: Gerard/Bert
Rating: NC-17
POV: Bert's POV
Summary : Bert wakes up one day to realize that his world is forever changed.
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue
Author Note:Warning this has rape mentions of drugs and drinking. If you have any problems with it then tell me or plain and
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Comments 11
This is so amazing.
Agh, my heart is ripping in half!
Release the last one soon!
Poor Gerard... after things just started to get better! It killed all the good moments he and Bert had. And poor Bert, he had absolutely no control of the situation this time, and i'm so glad he remembered the safe, or else Gerard would seriously have died. But i'm sad that Gerard really doesn't care anymore.
Guh. I love this story.
Much love.
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