Dec 01, 2005 10:17
I don't care anymore and I can slowly feel myself pulling away from everyone and everything. I could just give a shit right now. I'm not clueless as to why. These last few weeks have been hell with my mom (possibly) losing her job, her odd sickness, my possible leave from clemson, the huge fight i had with my sister, my own odd sickness, and bullshit where i work. On top of that ya know school, maintaining a relationship, getting enough sleep, eating right, and revelations about certain people i consider friends. There are so many thoughts invading my brain and on top of that i need to worrk about all this work my teachers have decided to pile up all at once. it almost wouldn't be fair if it weren't just life in it's naturally shitty disposition. hell if i'm going to be forced to leave this place i might as well. i might as well start finding fault with everyone (things so easily ignored in the past for posterity) and hell screw that fucking job. i know none of this makes sense unless you're 2 of certain people that knows everything i'm talking about (here and there), but it doesn't really matter. i also love how this not knowing can give someone the audacity to say it's not worth anything, but no matter. water under the bridge. although it gives an awful sense of worthlessness, i seriously could not care anymore. i'm basically in stoic function the shit i need to do, finish the job i'm here to finish, then move the hell on.