Jun 04, 2003 12:58
Last night I had a funky dream but I don't remember all of it. Whosah lived in farmland country, and I was with her. Chickadee had asked her to drive her somewhere (even though I know Chickadee can drive, I guess I didn't in my dream). Online Chick was so excited about her journey. She said something to the effect of, "And I have to travel all day just to see him." and I could tell it was a good complaint, and I said "isn't it wonderful!" because I so know what that is like :-) I don't know how Chickadee met this boy or what he was like at all but we were all happy for her and it was fun! Also in my dream my classmate Fiona asked Who to drive her somewhere and then she felt bad when she found out Who had been driving all day, and she did her put-hands-on-face-in-horror. She does that in real life too, and it's so funny, because everything she does would be acting with most people, but it is entirely real for her.
At 5:44 my sister came home and woke me up because I finally am not sleeping on the couch anymore, but in her room (cold in there). It was okay because I did laundry.
My English teacher liked my magnets that I made and didn't want to give them back to me, but she did. When I asked her what sentances she made up, she got an evasive face up, and I told her that I understood because some of the words I put in were a bit... yeah. At least she had fun teasing her husband ;-) These A+'s are some of the first in that class I have gotten all year. She gives out A's like most teachers do but it's like you've got to pick the golden pear (and I really think I just made that phrase up so don't bother asking where I got that from) to get the "+". Yesterday she wanted to give me due dates on my projects but I said "no." She didn't like that, but oh well. She forgot to bug me today, and I think I'll hand something in tomorrow because I feel like it.
My psych teacher is so evil. We have yet another essay, and we just had one last week! He should just give it up already. We're watching the Simpsons in class, so why should we have to write an essay?
I got Hadler to drive me home early and my mom was home but she didn't care.
Ooh, and last night I finally got my bag back from the train station! Yay!!!!
I am writing this for the purpose of procrastination, but since it is only 1:12 and I don't have a room, I don't think that it will work.
I saw a magazine add today with a speedometer that went from existing on one end to living/creating/something but I forget (?) on the other, with functioning in between. And yeah. Sometimes it's so difficult, even if I can stand enough to do it, it's not really being and enjoying. It's like everything I do I am forcing myself to do it. Sometimes I try and sleep it out but I know I shouldn't. I want to sleep right now but I think I might feel guilty later, though I have an excuse because I am sick. And I told the LIGALY lady that I wasn't going to prom and it was very sad. I'm annoyed at myself for not being able to tell my parents, which is the real reason I'm not going, although I said that it is because I am sick. The major problem besides distance that I have is that I want it to be more real, and yet I help to prevent that from happening. Anyway, the next day... I really want something to jolt me out of it right now, like I always want. To talk to Who, but she's probably at council. Oh, did Thea give you my message about contacts? It was cute, I didn't even tell her who I was and she didn't even ask or even say, just taking it for granted. Yeah, well. I have to write that English thing, and then maybe re-organize my boxes. I live out of boxes. The clothes I wear smell like box. When I was at steff's house she picked up one of my clothes to smell my smell, because she likes it. Before she actually did, she said "Melissa smell" and then she smelt it, and said "box. This isn't Melissa smell! It's box!" It was funny. And this deserves to be broken up into paragraphs but I'm not going to do it.
I heard from camp finally and I think I figured out why I am being paid not very much. I'm not a registered girl scout, technically I don't think, and I don't have a driver's liscence. I could never spell that word. I really think that everybody should be getting paid more. Lots more. If you divide it out we are getting paid less than 2 dollars an hour.
I am super. Just because super is a super word to say. Say it, outloud. "Super super super." Come on, you know you want to. Super! Super supper super supper super super supper supper super!