I like this list format of my entries.

Nov 11, 2006 16:37

1. Last night my friends went to Target, and I wasn't in the mood to go out but wanted to get something random, so they said they'd get it for me, and they brought me giant post-it notes, Fight the Future on DVD (yeah, I know, I didn't have it), and the cutest stuffed cat EVER. Seriously, it is SO cute. I love it and my friends so much. :)

2. I am not a fan of this ridiculously long break that Lost is taking. (for those of you not aware: there was a new episode this past Wednesday, and it was the last one until FEBRUARY SEVENTH.) It's not even that I'm desperate to know what happens, because the cliffhanger was kind of meh, but I just love having that show around, even when it's not at its best, and it is a disappointment that I won't have it for a while. :( The upside is that when it comes back, it's going to be 16 straight weeks of no repeats, so that'll be nice THEN, but I want gratification NOW! :P

3. My room has finally gotten out of hand. It took a little while longer than usual, but it's happened. My goal is to clean it tomorrow. I say that every day, but I really, really mean it. It has to be done.

4. I had the WEIRDEST dream last night. I remember details a lot less now than I did when I first woke up, but I know it involved Hesha and me (and maybe someone else from Smith?) running from doppelgangers. There was one sequence where we were captured and tortured by having to sit in a bathtub and be blasted with a shower of hot water for a few seconds, and every time it blasted they would play part of "The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel, and if we expressed discomfort they would make it worse. I remember thinking it was a worse psychological torture than physical one (since it would just happen over and over again), but in the end I won and our captors gave up because it wasn't bothering me as much as they wanted it to- I got through it because, little did the captors know, "The Boxer" is one of my favorite songs, so I just concentrated on how much I liked it. It was kind of an unsettling dream overall.

5. Cup of China happened over the past couple of days, and I decided to look at the results. I don't know if I have anyone on my list who cares about not seeing skating spoilers, but just in case, I'll put it behind a cut...


YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! I didn't know where the results were posted, and he had been in second after the short, and when Rhianna told me the final results this morning, I was SO EXCITED! It's his first big win in a while and I'm so very proud of him. :)

6. Molly and I are awesome.

10 days until I go home for Thanksgiving
20 days left to finish my novel (I'm behind, but am trying to catch up this weekend)
29 days until I see Evan!

sleep, life, lost, cup of china 2006, figure skating, tv, evan lysacek, dreams, picspam, grand prix

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