It's been enforced by Rhianna that I need to be more diligent with updating, and I tend to agree. So, events as of late...
1. NaNoWriMo. For those of you who are wondering what the heck I'm talking about, I'm referring to
National Novel Writing Month. It happens every November, and the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. The goal is quantity and not quality, basically, just to get you writing and to be able to produce a huge output in a short amount of time. So obviously, this novel is most likely going to turn out to be a piece of crap, but the goal right now isn't for it to be great, it's for it to get done. After the month is over, if I think I have something at least somewhat respectable, I can go back and edit and add and delete and take my time to make it better. I ended up restarting after the first attempt that I wrote about last time- I changed the topic of the novel completely, and I think it's been for the better. I'm kind of behind right now, but I think I'll be able to catch up. I'm joined in my quest by Jenn, Ally, and Jenly (and Kevin, who's doing it outside the official site)... anybody else doing it? My sn on the site is ThingWithFeathers, and you're all welcome to add me there. :)
2. The semester is at its breaking point for me, where I lose my motivation and go insane. I don't even feel like writing about it, which is probably why I haven't been updating.
3. On Sunday we went to see the horses at the stables and I found a cat there who is my new favorite-besides-Copper. Her name is Thelma (there is also a Louise who was more shy), and she is the sweetest little thing ever. I carried her around for the entire time that we were there. I think I'm going to need to make frequent trips to visit her.
4. Over the weekend, I managed to stay awake through TWO movies! (I've had a very bad track record this year.) Both of them also turned into interesting nights. On Saturday night we went to see The Prestige, which I really enjoyed and feel like I want to watch again in order to catch everything that happened. As soon as the movie ended, they turned on the lights and security was there and told us that there was a gas leak at Target and we needed to exit as quickly and efficiently as possible, and not through the mall. That was fun. Then on Sunday, I went to see Borat with Hesha and Ally, and I found it absolutely hilarious. If you aren't easily offended, go see it. When we came back, however, we found that the entire town and campus were out of power. It was out for a couple hours, and so that was interesting.
5. On Saturday after the gas leak, we stopped at Barnes and Noble and I bought my very first trashy romance novel, just to see how ridiculous they are. I chose one entitled "Temptation of a Proper Governess," and it is everything that the stereotype of a romance novel implies. I'm finding it hilarious. The sex scenes aren't even hot- they are comical due to the poor quality of the writing. (No offense intended if any of my readers enjoy these novels for more than amusement value. To each their own.)
6. Dilemma. The Cup of China starts...well, they arrived in China today, according to the website. Evan skates his short on Friday and free skate on Saturday. The event is televised on Sunday the 19th- so, basically, a little over a week after it happens. I love seeing it on TV and not being spoiled for the results, but come ON, that's a long wait. I looked at the results for Skate Canada (not televised yet), since I'm not as invested when Evan's not there (I do still want to see it and have my favorites/non-favorites, just don't care as much about knowing what happens ahead of time). I was able to wait and watch Skate America, but that only made me wait two days or so. A whole week is a LONG TIME. Should I just say screw it and look at the results? This dilemma also applies to the Grand Prix final, which is happening somewhere near the 14th of December but is not being shown until the 24th.
I think that's all for now. Some countdowns:
14 days until I go home for Thanksgiving
24 days left to complete my novel
33 days until I see Evan!