A week left and I'm ready!

Jan 20, 2006 14:58

So, a good majority of colleges have started their classes again already, but I still have a little over a week left. (Mine start on January 30.) My last day of work is the 27th, and I'm going back to Smith on either the 28th or 29th. Woo.

Vacation has been pretty good, for the most part. The holidays went well. I got enough hours at work to make enough to pay for my books and have some left over for spending, but few enough hours to still give me time to relax and rejuvenate. Not sure if this is a good or a bad thing, but I've definitely taken on a new show- Law and Order SVU. Does anybody else on my flist watch that? I'm really enjoying it, as well as the fact that reruns are on and I'll hopefully be able to do some catchup on the six and a half years that I missed, hah. I did it with X-Files and ER, so I have faith in myself. Also on the TV note, Idol started again- I watched the first night with Nolan and Chelsey (friends from work), so that was fun.

I'm now really looking forward to going back to Smith- and for the first time, the people and place are not the only reasons. I'm actually looking forward to my classes! I'm feeling an academic motivation that I haven't felt since I first started college. True that the motivation is always stronger at the beginning of the semester when classes just seem exciting and you haven't started the work in the trenches yet, but it still feels different this time. Last semester I was looking forward to certain classes and what I would learn from them, but still wasn't feeling much motivation to actually work. This time I'm just really excited, I want to get my books and read and go to lectures and discussions and just take full advantage of what's offered to me there, which I feel like I haven't fully done yet.

Classes I'm taking:
-Clinical Psychology
-Statistical Methods in Psychology (blah, major requirement)
-Elementary Russian (continued from last semester)
-Readings in 20th Century Russian Literature
-Music History: Pre-Classical to Post-Modern

The schedule is concentrated nicely, with three classes on MWF and two on TTh, starting at 9 every morning (yuck for the early, yay for the possibly more regular sleep schedule), and the latest I'll be done is 2:30 on MWF. I think that I'm going to try and get a feel for things in the first week of classes and see if it would be possible to get a job down there so that I can keep the money coming in. Just a part time thing, looking at my schedule, I'd pretty much be able to do Thursday and Friday evenings and weekend days/evenings. I have restaurant experience now, and Northampton is pretty much 80% restaurants, so hopefully I'll be able to find a spot somewhere!

I love this. I feel like I'm really on the upswing, and can't wait for everything to start!!

PS. Questions! Ask me! Yay!

life, ai5, school, jterm, x-files, svu, tv, american idol, smith, er

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