oo1. How do you make such good icons? Well, I like to play around in PSP. Just try different colors with different blend modes to see how the image will turn out. Play with brightness, saturation levels, and blurring. There are soo many possibilities and you should get to know them all - or at least try. Also, try communities like icon_tutorial for tutorials. I've also got some on this journal. Check the memories.
oo2. How do you make suchandsuch icon? Most of the time, I can't remember what I did when I make an icon. I don't usually use a set method and like previously mentioned, I play around with different things a lot. Sometimes I use the same feature in many icons, but the end effect won't be the same. If you really like an icon, ask me in the post with it and I'll see if I can remember.
oo1. What's an image map? An image map is an image, basically, that has links. A certain section of the image will become a link if you hover on it. This is an easy why to feature links in the image, rather than cutting up the image and making each tiny section a separate file and link. For an example of an image map, berrii-graphics. You should notice the links on the main image. Hover or click on them to see what happens.
oo2. What are rollovers? Rollovers are links that change when you hover on them. They can change color, text, images, or whatever. They look cool and ... look cool. 8D; For an example of rollovers, go to here. The pictures to the side of the main image are rollovers. Hover on them. It's fun. :D
oo3. What do you mean by colour scheme? The colors you would like me to incorperate into your layout. You like pinks? I'll put pinks. Generally, the main color(s) in the image provided should be the color scheme of your layout. However, if the picture has too much of the color, having the background and such the same color would not be as effective. If your picture features a blue sky and blue ocean, it wouldn't be good to have the border, background, text and links the same colour. If unsure/uncaring about the color scheme, I shall choose whichever looks best to me.
oo4. How do I use the layout you made? -S1 ONLY- In the Livejournal homepage: Modify > Customize. In the first page (Basics), please check the option S1 - For users who are comfortable with HTML and CSS. Save changes. On the second page (Look and Feel), change all the layout types to Generator. Save changes. On the third page (Custom Options), copy and paste the overrides into the box indicated. Save changes.
Note: Make sure you add a website in your userinfo for your header to show.
oo5. How do I add information to the sidebar? -S1 ONLY- If you open a Wordpad, MS Word, or Notepad document, and paste all the overrides into one of those, it will be easier. Scan the overrides until you see a portion that says something like, "This is your sidebar." Put in all your necessary information there and copy and paste your sidebar info. Then scroll until you find another section that is your sidebar. Paste your info there. There is three or so sections so you will have to paste it multiple times. Please don't touch anything in these: < > brackets.
oo6. I screwed something up. How do I fix it? Unless you're HTML-savvy, I wouldn't recommend touching the overrides. If you know what you're doing, by all means, go ahead. If you don't have a clue, stay put. Email, IM, or comment and I'll try to get back to your as fast as possible. There are also handy communities like everything_lj and howto for your convenience!
oo7. I can't see the other side of my layout! What do I do? AKA What screen resolution do you make layouts with? This isn't a problem with your browser or the coding. It's your resolution. :D I work with a pretty high resolution (1280x1024, to be precise), so it's quite possible that the layout is cut off for you. Simply go to your Desktop, right-click, and go to Properties. Then go to Settings, and change your resolution to something higher. If it still doesn't work, you may need to change your resolution again.
Another solution would be to ask me and I can shift the layout to the left more. (But then I guess what would be a problem with the coding..? Oh well.) Whatever floats your boat. :D
oo8. Are your layouts compatible with Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Netscape + others? I personally make sure all of my layouts work well in Firefox and IE. I don't have or use any others, so I'm sorry.
oo9. I put the layout in my journal, but it's not working! AKA The header isn't showing!//It's all misaligned and yucky!//There's an error it says!//What's "Irreparable invalid markup"? Some possible solutions: - If your header is not showing up, you have forgotten to put a URL into your userinfo. Put anything. Your journal, LJ's homepage, Google, even. Doesn't matter. - If the layout is up but everything is weird and off, it may be because you are using a Sponsered+ account. These layouts are not compatible with Sponsered+ accounts, so you have to find another layout or switch back to free. Sorry. :( - Did you copy all the overrides correctly? Sometimes if there is an open bracket (one of these < > missing), there is an error. One easy way to fix this is to Copy All the overrides using Ctrl + A. - A code is screwed up. There might be a space missing, or an open bracket. Let me know immediately if you are not HTML-savvy yourself. :D I'll fix that as soon as I can.
o1o. There's a problem with your code! Sadly, this sometimes happens. As much as I hate to admit it, I am human and make mistakes. Point out the mistake and I'll try my best to fix it. I do try to make as little mistakes as humanly possible (with layouts, anyways) so I doubt you'll find that many. ;D
o11. I'd really like a matching userinfo with this layout! Could you do one for me? Sure. Go request one in the request post found here. Include what information you would like to be on it.
o12. How do I use the layout you made? -S2 ONLY- This is different from the S1 version. In the Livejournal homepage: Modify > Customize. In the first page (Basics), please check the option S2 - For users who don't know HTML or CSS, or make only minor alterations.. Save changes. On the second page (Look and Feel), change all the layout types to the layout specified in the layout overrides. Save changes. On the third page (Custom Options), change everything on Presentation to your tastes. Skip over Fonts and Images, until you get to Text. Put in what you will and etc. Next is Sidebar. Change everything there to your will. Lastly, Custom CCS. Change the questions to these answers: No, Yes, and Yes, for your layout to work probably. Leave the URL box blank, and then copy and paste the overrides into the box provided.
o13. How do I customize my sidebar? -S2 ONLY- Well, maybe. Go here. We shall work in the Sidebar section. Type whatever info you wish into the BLURB section. You can rename it so it'll have a proper title on your LJ. Want links in your sidebar as well? Too bad the Blurb won't allow HTML. Use this, and fill in all your links. In the Customizations page again, choose YES when asked if you wish for your links to show. And you're done!
o14. I've got a paid account. Can you ___? -PAID ACCOUNTS ONLY- Paid accounts have different features to be used. One of them is the Theme Layers. I'm not the greatest at this, but I can get by using S2-oriented help comms. My layouts won't have paid account features, since I figure the majority of people have either Basic or Plus. If you would like me to customize the layout to fit your paid account, just leave a comment.
Note: Theme layers are only for S2 LAYOUTS.
o15. I like your layout, but could I use the overrides with my own header? Sure, why not? At the very beginning, I stole my overrides from some unsuspecting victim too. And then, over the years, I tweaked it until it was my own. :D Unless you're using it as a base to start (like I did) and will change just about everything, credit me for the overrides (especially if you're only going to change the header).
oo1. What program do you use for graphic-making? Jasc Paint Shop Pro v.08. For animated icons, I usually use Adobe Image Ready v.07. I rarely use Photoshop, unless it's to prep the icon for IR. Animation Shop is used sometimes as well.
oo2. Are you a robot? :D Last time I checked, no.
oo3. Do I reeeeally need to credit you? Unfortunately, yes. I'd really like the recognition as the person who made your layout/icon(s)/whatever. It makes me feel happy. :D However, if in the layout you are using, there is a sidebar where I put who made the layout, credit in the userinfo is optional. You may take out the bit about the layout in the sidebar ONLY if you are going to put credit in the userinfo. One or the other is necessary. Both is optional. :D