Haha....long time since I updated? Yes, I believe so. School is good, other than the fact that there is a lot of shit going on in the vocal department that's really REALLY upsetting me, and my voice teacher might be gone after next year due to some not nice things. I've seriously been crying about it. I don't understand how people can be so cold
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Yeah, ok. I give in. I find LJ too interesting for me to merely HAVE an account and not post on it. Besides, as Caitlin knows, I refer to reading LJ as, "Catching up on my soaps". Well, at least I thought it was original
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Yes, so I have finally decided to make an entry in this here live journal. I strictly have it to be on people's friend's list. I personally prefer blogger myself. If you are one of the select few with my lj name, my blog address is www.frombutobroadway.blogspot.com