Toby has a girlfriend!

Mar 25, 2009 16:26

Meet Belle! She's adorable. A nice lovely lady was getting rid of her, and so I snatched her right up. Wasn't sure she'd get on with Toby, of course.

But BAM! The second she heard him call she went ballistic, hopping like mad in the carrier, and so I let her out (both birds are very peaceable) and I've not been able to separate them since. Both birds used to be prone to screaming and sitting solitary in the corner, now they are sharing a perch in the sun.

Also bought them a really big cage--it is wooden so I don't have the usual problem of not being able to lift it.

The view from my bed; also gives you an idea of the size--that's a standard cockatiel cage on top of it. The budgies have the small white cage in the corner.

The happy couple. Belle was previously in a cage smaller than the cockatiel cage atop it, very little light and never let out. I hope she's happy here! Toby was in a pet store for two years, in a cage only slightly bigger than the cockatiel one and also never let out. He can finally move about without having to do the little hops and twists required to not get his tail caught.

For the possibly concerned, many of my birds are in direct sunlight, but at no time of the day are they hard pressed to find ample room in their cages to escape from it.


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