
Mar 20, 2009 04:57

How could anyone say no to this little face?

All five! (They don't share the cage, but they do play together in it.)

A different angle. They all get along (despite minor disagreements over who gets to sit on the food dish when) and they are hard to separate. It's great to watch them all forage together, calling out to inform the others where the eats are to be had.

The budgie partners in crime, Sky and Victor.

Sorry about the low image quality--Spot attempts to woo Toby. It's too cute for words. His advances are ignored, and then he'll go off to find something else to woo.

Wet Toby! He's rather cage-bound, so I can really only get him to bathe right before I clean the cages, and he has to see Spot do it first. It's so lovely to see him learn things from Spot.

And another.

Wet cockatiel alert!

Chico surveys the dam at Black Mesa East.


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