Jan 19, 2011 17:53
Argh just lost a massive post.... gah. I hate it when that happens. My computer keyboard and clicking on the touchpad have been showing steadily increasing lag, and I closed a tab and clicked again when it didn't respond - so it closed two tabs. Gah. Suffice it to say that this day has been full of drama.
On another note, you know my tendency to pick a word and start to vastly overuse it? Like jeez, or odd, and so on. Well, now it appears to be 'super.' I swear I have no idea why these words suddenly infect my vocabulary.
Also, I just saw a sign walking home that said '52 days till Spring Break!!!!!' It was the tanning place's window, so there's a bit of incentive, but still. This is the second day of class. If you already need Spring Break, this is going to be a bad semester. Random thought - why is it that we have a break in the spring semester, but not really anything similar in the fall? Thanksgiving is usually only two days, and I know up north they have fall break, but I get that impression it's also very short. In Europe, my cousins got two weeks of Spring Break and a separate Easter holiday. I wonder what it is about the spring that we seem to have more trouble being stuck in the c
technology does not like me