Supernatural 5.05 & 5.06

Oct 28, 2009 09:53

5.05 Fallen Idol

-- Blood over the Porsche emblem. Awesome. Obviously some comment on those who think Porsches are better than Impalas. *g*
-- Sam makes the hottest FBI agent ever. I love his "people are so stupid" near-eyeroll in the background. Sam has the attitude of a wronged teenager. <3
-- Ahaha, of course Dean wanted to take the car job. I can just imagine him researching the legend of James Dean's car as a teenager.
-- "Go away." :D
-- Is that...Abraham Lincoln? Hee!
-- I heart the small-town policeman.
-- Sam's Spanish! Although it doesn't make up for the fact that one of SPN's only Latin American characters is a maid with broken English. Roll on the stereotypes.
-- The boys have two laptops. Did Dean get his after they split up? I want to see his desktop properly.
-- "I know whose fault that is." Is he talking about himself? (Note: I wrote this so long ago that I can't even remember whether I was referring to Sam or Dean.)
-- Dean's Lincoln impression! What a geek. :D
-- I was actually very tense when Sam was staring at Lincoln's waxwork figure. If he'd twitched I possibly would've screamed.
-- Ghandi, wtf. Sam's a fan, though; I love it.
-- The "it's my fault" thing is getting tiring. They're both at fault! But the "kid brother" thing is sweet. N'aw.
-- YUCK!! Surgeon Sam is disgusting. In a good way.
-- A mischievous god. Cool. I feel sorry for it and its chopped-down forest.
-- I liked the lens flare from the torch.
-- Sam whistles and Dean immediately answers. I'm pretty sure fandom has written that over and over, ahaha.
-- I like the Paris Hilton hair flick, but not the monologue that needs to stop. Why, is that an anvil I spy?
-- House of Wax reference and Sam's reaction. *g*
-- Threat of JDM!! I almost thought it was going to happen, too.
-- I respect Paris Hilton for coming on board to bemoan the state of celebrity. *salutes*
-- THANK YOU. They're both at fault and Dean apologised. Excellent.
-- Sam/Jared looks tired. Those are genuine bags under his eyes.
-- "You want to drive?" Awwww! That's a declaration of love from Dean.
-- The rocking guitar ending is great, but it would've been even better if their car doors had slammed in synch. The symbolism!
-- Coming up -- wtf, ahaha. I'm laughing so hard! Is that Sam doing a...Horatio Cane impression? With the sunglasses and everything? Heeeeee, I can't wait to see that.

5.06: The Children are our Future

-- Watching T.V. with your nose practically touching the screen while brushing your hair is weird. Who does that?
-- That was an impressive scream!
-- FBI again?
-- Ever Carridine... She's in
poisontaster 's RPS 'verse, I swear. A Kept Boy, maybe? I like her a lot.
-- The boys had a babysitter when they were young. Hmm. I can't imagine who John would trust, so now I'm imagining a female hunter who loved Dynasty and kicked serious ass. (I just read that last sentence out loud and it sounds all wrong in my voice. But then I changed it to 'arse' and that just sounds silly. :D)
-- Whyyyyy the crazy inappropriate music? It reminds me of those bad, bad season three days and I hate it.
-- Dean eating the meat, ahaha.
-- I adore the little girl who's sensible enough to find the idea of the toothfairy creepy and so puts her tooth under her dad's pillow. Hee!
-- I also like the single dad set-up. Single parents are not the cause of our "broken society", honestly! The girl's not running riot and her dad's not shooting up! (But that's a political rant for another day.)
-- Dean: "...with the humour of a five-year-old." Sam: "Or you." Heeeeee.
-- Hairy palms! Sam: "Hey, DON'T USE MY RAZOR!!" :D
--I like that child; he's a really good actor. He's like a mini cross between the Winchesters. I kind of wanted Sam and Dean to adopt him. Sam would teach him how to control his powers and Dean would start (non-lethal) prank wars.
-- Castiel + whoopee cushion = hilarity.
-- I'm glad the child escaped to Australia, but I hope he comes back later in the season. Although I'm intrigued -- maybe he's actually living in the world the poster created, a la Alice Through the Looking Glass. I want to write fic exploring this!

spn: 5.06, spn: 5.05, spn

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