SPN 5.03

Sep 25, 2009 15:45

*thumbs up*

-- Sam can't sleep without Dean. N' aw. Also, shoulders, yum.

-- JESS! Considering how little we've seen of them together, Adrianne and Jared have always had great chemistery. However, I really hope that wasn't Lucifer in disguise, because I want Jess to protect Sam. (Later: damn you, Kripke! *shakes fist*)

-- omg, Lynyrd Skynyrd's SIMPLE MAN. This montage was made for the fans. The writer/director/undercover fanvidder is basically spelling out Sam and Dean's epic platonic love in bold caps. Sam wiping down the bar versus Dean washing the Impala. Dean listening to the radio and looking at Sam's empty car seat. It was beautiful and one of the best uses of music in the series. I ache!

-- At this point, my download went all out of sync for about ten minutes. >:(

-- Dean: "Cas, we've talked about this: personal space!" *g*

-- Ahaha, Dean and Castiel are trying to find a balance between angel/human understanding. Dean exasperatedly loosening Castiel's tie struck me as such a fond, fatherly action. Aw!

-- Castiel's upside-down FBI badge cracked me up. Unexpected humour ftw.

-- Castiel: (gravely) "St Peter." Dean: *near eyeroll* "...thank you." Oh Dean, so unused to playing the straight man.

-- Sam's little face while on the phone to Bobby!

-- Keith. Of the Richards variety, Sam? I like how Dean's still there in some of Sam's habits, even when he's not there.

-- The whole scene with Dean encouraging Castiel is awful. *puts fingers in ears* And things were going so well...

-- Okay, Lindsay is pretty awesome. "Mafia?"

-- Raphael's electricity wings are also pretty awesome and the angel her/himself is terrifying.

-- The continuation of the absent father motif is interesting. Season one parallels? I really liked Dean giving Castiel advice.

-- That last shot of Dean saying he's the happiest he's been in ages because he hasn't got family to worry about, juxtaposed with the final shot of his miserable profile SAYS A LOT. You lie, Dean, and not very well. Or maybe he believes it now, but I'm pretty sure he's already starting to pine for Sam.

spn, spn: 5.03

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