Happy New Year!

Jan 02, 2010 11:45

Wishing you a healthy, prosperous, and happy 2010.

I didn't do "year in review" things. (My short synopsis was that my health got better, Obama is president, and I finally got on Facebook -GOOD, but I got laid off and too many people I love died, which bites.) I also was not keen on the idea of "decade in review" because I started off 2000 (after the go-go-go of Y2k prep) basically having a nervous breakdown, although it does lend perspective to my current "meh" state. ("HEY! I'm not being screamed at, at home and at work!")

I need some advice from the camera-savvy on my list! My digicam seems to be dying - it worked fine in June, but when I found it again in the fall, its screen is streaky even after I put the newly charged batteries in. I have some Amazon.com gift cards (which I bought by pouring my change into a Coinstar machine - thank you Margaret for that tip) so I'm thinking it's time to get a new one.

I take "group shots", pix of my cats, landscape shots, and like taking photos of my food, so something with a good short-range capacity would be ideal.

If I can reuse anything from my Canon S410 Powershot, so much the better.

Ideal Price range: under 300 (I had a LOT of change and I've found more!)

Thanks folks.
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