A peaceful and joyous holiday to you all

Dec 25, 2009 16:42

I've been able to read LJ but haven't been posting. The sort version is that after "close but no banana" on a couple of excellent jobs in November, I got visited by the Good Temp Job Fairy in early December. Job is in San Jose, so the commute combined with the run up to Big December Events has been taking it out of me. (Family Christmas has been mellow in comparision with Church Pre-Christmas Blowouts.)

It is short term but the boss likes me enough that I feel I have Prospects. And the market seems to be ticking up, Deo gratias.

I know a lot of you are going through rough times, doubly rough because you are in bad straits right now and/or have Utterly Fucked Up Family of Origin issues. Know that, even if I am not very communicado, that you are all in my heart. I feel blessed to know all of you and wish all of you a healthy, peaceful, prosperous, and joyous New Year.

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