
Dec 13, 2006 12:56

Remember the Advent calendar we had as a kid? They are becoming popular again...but now, as a pagan, I would like to see someone make one based on a Yule/Winter Solstice type theme. I guess I really want everything to be geared towards the pagans in this world - as opposed to the christian or christian like saddens me that religions and beliefs and spirituality have such a hard time accepting and tolerating one another. And even tho pagans say christitans are less tolerant of pagans, I think, anymore, pagans are putting themselves righth up there with anyone else when it comes to tolerance of others....even between themselves.....I don't care what religion of belief system any one else has....that is their own business and not mine. I do however, get very upset and angry when people use their religions and spirituality for things like war, abuse, harm, etc. That is why I do not have anything against any religion, but I am against the people that use their religion for such purposes or who are intolerant of any religion not their own....would be nice to see this end in my lifetime, but realistically I know it will not. All I can do is try to live my life with tolerance and help others to see it is not the religion, but the people behind the religion that cause the hate and discontent and intolerance and that one day, maybe my greatgrandchildren will see a world where religion and spirituality are accepted for what they are....with out hate and prejuidice.

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