Nov 21, 2014 15:03

18 апреля 2012 года

Norway: Irina Bergset deprived of parental rights

A Norwegian court has deprived a Russian citizen, Irina Bergset, of parental rights and awarded custody of her 4-year-old son to her Norwegian ex-husband, whom she accuses of sexual abuse of her son. The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against the former husband of Irina Bergset.

A Norwegian court has deprived a Russian citizen, Irina Bergset, of parental rights and awarded custody of her 4-year-old son to her Norwegian ex-husband, whom she accuses of sexual abuse of her son. The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against the former husband of Irina Bergset.

When a year ago the woman became suspicious that her husband was a pedophile and went to the police, aiming to tell them that something was wrong, her children were taken away from her and given to adoptive families. Finally, her older son who is a Russian citizen was returned to her. And as regards her younger son, her attempt proved a failure. The four-year child, Misha, who is a Norwegian citizen, will be brought up by his father who is a Norwegian citizen too. Irina Bergset says that the court ruling was caused by the fact that all information concerning the criminal conduct of her former husband that was collected by the Russian Investigative Committee was not taken into account.

"The Norwegian police, the prosecutors, the court, and later, child protection authorities decided that what I said was pure fantasy and that all my accusations were groundless. I have repeatedly undergone the procedure of psychic evaluation, and new efforts have been made to find out what kind of relationship I had with my ex-husband. A written statement that was made by my child to the effect that he was hurt was lost. That is why I went to the police."

The Norwegian court has ruled that the mother can see her son only once a year and that she can talk with him only in the presence of the representatives of child protection authorities. And as is known, this woman has done nothing that could a serve as a reason for depriving her of parental rights. The problem is that what matters here is Irina’s citizenship, a legal expert, Janis Yuksha, says.

"If a child is a citizen of an alien state, it may happen that his mother or father will start defending her (his) rights to a child. And if a case is heard in a country whose citizenship one of the parents has, we can say with a great degree of certainty that a person with that citizenship will be the winner."

And this is exactly what has happened to Irina. Her younger son is not a Russian citizen, which makes the fight for the boy far more difficult. Irina Bergset plans to file her request to President Medvedev to grant Russian citizenship to her child in absentia. Russia’s presidential ombudsman for children’s rights Pavel Astakhov offers active help to the Russian citizen, his press secretary Veronika Kochetkova says.
"Pavel Astakhov insists that the procedure of granting Russian citizenship to children of mixed marriages should be simplified. This problem is crying for solution because many conflict situations emerge, and very often decisions are not taken in favour of Russian citizens."

Pavel Astakhov urges Norway to sign an agreement with Russia that would be of great help for the two sides in tackling both civil and family cases. Only a bilateral agreement can be helpful in settling conflict situations in the interests of children, the Russian ombudsman says.

Источник: http://voiceofrussia.com/2012_04_18/72168091/

дискриминация, гендертеория, гендеризм, terror, юю, кража новорожденных, кража детей, ювенальная юстиция, Россия, торговля детьми, Марш в защиту детей, гендерфашизм, норвежский секс, педопираты, русские матери, бизнес на детях, растление в школах, содомия, ювенальный фашизм, barnevern, gender, irina bergset, Гендер, гомофоб, kidnapping, pedofil, дети, детсад, norge, гендерполиция, отбирание детей, русский язык, педофилия, русский, Бергсет, искусственные дети, гендердиктатура, Ирина Бергсет, Норвегия, norsk, кража детей в Норвегии, ювенальный террор, ювенальный конвеер, фостер-семья, жестокость, bergset, norway, гендерная теория, норвежская педофилия, barna, избивают

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