Title: Dragon's Teeth (Part 1 of 2)
Series: Dragon Saga 01
Link: To the rest of the
Dragon SagaAuthor: Beren
Fandom: Jrock
Pairing: Gackt/Hyde, Hyde/OMC, Hyde/Megumi
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: Hyde and Gackt and any other people you may recognise are real, this story isn't and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any
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Also, Gackt being a vampire would be a great excuse for why he claims to be 466.
Okay, going to finish reading now.
I feel this strong urge to just pimp, oh- I don't know- 39038249023 bands at you right now.. *sits on hands*
Although, I've recently posted two mini-albums at my journal (SCREW & Raphael) in case you're curious. *wonders what you listen to*
jrock_uploads is a great place to go if you just want to see what's around-- but be prepared, because there's just so much. For smaller places with maybe not so much music, but a higher quality, I'd check out rotations like yamipandora (she posts a weekly at her journal) and karmik's rotation (updates whenever-- and, er, I forgot the community name, sorry about that.)
they've recently celebrated their 20th anniversary and are still one of the strongest bands in Japan. they've aged well. their recent single, Kagerou, might be a good place to start.
if you're going to get into Jrock, Buck-Tick is one of the most influential bands.
great story, btw. i want to stay home from work and read part 2, alas i cannot.
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