Title: Dragon's Teeth (Part 1 of 2)
Series: Dragon Saga 01
Link: To the rest of the
Dragon SagaAuthor: Beren
Fandom: Jrock
Pairing: Gackt/Hyde, Hyde/OMC, Hyde/Megumi
Rating: NC17/18
Disclaimer: Hyde and Gackt and any other people you may recognise are real, this story isn't and I definitely don't own them or have any copyright to any part of any
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Gackt's music is in a world of its own, really. I have some stuff of his but there's only been a few things I could actually tolerate, though I absolutely adore the Chinese version (duet with Wang Lee Hom) of 12gatsu no Love song.
Have you listened to Malice Mizer (Gackt-era)? It's.. I don't know, it resembles songs more like Gackt's Mizerable when compared to ma cherie ~Itoshii kimi e~ (MM).
General recs would be: Luna Sea, Plastic Tree, SADS, Merry (their newer stuff), some Gazette, and perhaps Alice nine... anyone from pscompany label. I realize there's a chance you've no idea what I'm talking about, but their music is generally more mild and, while there are the few harder songs, it generally has a lighter feel to it.
Um, I'm going to be uploading a post of random .mp3s for someone soon (probably tomorrow) so that'll be at my journal, along with anything under the 'uploads' tag (there isn't much, though).
And (yes, I realize this comment is getting way too long & with too much of my babble, but) you might be interested in some Korean or Chinese music.
That was long. Sorry!
jrock_uploads is a great place to go if you just want to see what's around-- but be prepared, because there's just so much. For smaller places with maybe not so much music, but a higher quality, I'd check out rotations like yamipandora (she posts a weekly at her journal) and karmik's rotation (updates whenever-- and, er, I forgot the community name, sorry about that.)
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