Nov 30, 2005 19:05
Alright, alright, so. What I should've made clear from the get-go is that the former entry was something I'd written for my mother, who is struggling to find something anything to keep her stable. Since I am a Christian, what better in my eyes than to give her a Christian viewpoint on how to best begin to deal with life? I shared this letter to my mother with a few Christian friends, and they all said that it "moved them". I'm not at all claiming any responsibility in this "moving of them", as most of my letter were quotes from different sources, quotes that I believe to ring true. I posted my last entry so that it would apply to a general audience, not just my mother specifically. I am not a blast-it-in-people's-faces Christian. I do not walk around with a "the end is nigh" sign draped over my body. Christianity is the religion that I have come to accept, and recently, due to the changes in my life, has been something that I have felt the need to express to others through the Word that has changed me. I'm not one to judge you. At all. I have no place in judging you, ever. Just as no one has no place in judging the character of a person ultimately, for that is God's responsibility. I don't understand how some of you accused me of letting others speak for me. Do you not do that yourselves? Aren't all actions built on the foundations of others? Is there anything you can say is every truly of your own creation? I expressed MY opinion based on the thoughts of others (like we all do), and you basically told me that I couldn’t because it wasn’t yours. You’re telling me I’m wrong when you’re saying that “right and wrong are two of the most frightening words that have ever come to exist on this planet.”
Also, “Believe what you want to believe about Christianity, about the world.” In that statement I was not “taunting” anyone, nor was I saying “softly to (myself) ‘you're wrong.’” I honestly meant that what you choose to do in your life is up to you. It’s one of the main messages of my religion. You have free will.
Here I go letting someone speak for me. Oh no.
"I find it interesting how if you disagree with Christianity you are immediately assumed to have this grand ‘wordly’ view. Almost everyone I have ever talked to who isn't Christian is immediately put off by someone who is. You talk about it in school and people are scrambling to shut you up. Everyone can have their opinion, except if you are a Christian. I have listened time and time again to other people's views, and just because I disagree and (oh no!) thought they were wrong, I still listened and respected them. Yes, I had to learn how not to judge...everyone does. But I have gotten much better at it, and have realized how those who preach the hatred of 'closed mindedness' seem to be the most closed minded themselves. ...
Yes, the Bible teaches that the only way to heaven is through Jesus. Yes, it clearly defines that there are things you should and shouldn't do in your life. This is not something that neither Becca nor I created, we just try our best to follow the teachings. Religion is a personal thing, and this is what we follow personally. It isn't closed minded to say that we believe in this, just as it isn't closed minded for you to say that you don't. It is personal opinion and as long as you listen to other's in a civilized manner it's all fine.
You feel that you don't need Jesus to get to God, and I feel you do. We are different, as are many people in this world. I honestly do think that Jesus is the only way, but if you don't you don't. I want you to live your life the way that makes you happy, and I think both Becca and I would like it if our friends could do the same.
Oh, and by saying their aren't boundaries for right and wrong and then telling Becca she is wrong is contradictory...and by that logic, 'closed minded.'" -Mindy Elliott (the best friend of Rebecca Ruggles).
P.S. I love and respect all of you who commented on my last entry (as I do all of my friends); those commenting on my last entry being Doris, Amber, Allen, and Mindy.