pop culture complaint

Feb 26, 2010 11:32

Last day of work before a well-deserved week even if I have 200 copies to correct. I must find the focus to correct all of them because 'they' are giving me another work right after the break. Argh.

So maybe there is some universal, cosmic, astrological plot to keep me on that joyful bliss of correcting:
-"Dead in the Family" has not been released in paperback yet (I keep this Vampire series in one single size) EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRIIIIICCCC!

-"Changes" with Harry Dresden hasn't been released in hardcover (that series is paperback up to the 5th or 6th, then couldn't wait and got the subsequent harcover ones. LASCIEL?

-"True Blood Season 2" is not out before end of May. EEERRRIIICCCCC....

My god,I can't believe years have thrown me in such mainstream popcorn litterature, but I have to admit; those authors, they know their job and it's just a great ride instead of me deciphering some classic litterature in a language that is not mine.

Bring me my popcorn! Talking about it, I finally got hooked on Diana Gabaldon's series, it took me about 1500 to really get hooked on the nurse who ended in Scotland 200 years before WWII.

I still haven't read Neil Gaiman's work other than The Good Omens, I suppose I should start with the Cemetery Book? Not this week thought, not this week though, not this week though....
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