I HATE common GR's

Dec 10, 2004 07:35

Ok, so seeing as there was a big cheating scandal with my class last year here's how the academy decides to fix it. We have common GR's in all 100 level and some 200 level courses. Basically a common GR means that EVERYONE in that course takes the GR at the exact same time so that you can't cheat and tell your friends and relatives what the test was like. Lame. It's like "let's remove all temptation from the cadets and that will teach them to be honorable." We know how well that works. Unfortunately there is really only one hour during the day that every cadet can make their schedules fit together. That time happens to be at 630 in the morning so you can finish the gr by 720 and get to first period by 730. Isn't that great? Except you need to be there ten minutes early (620) and you want to grab some food real quick or you'll die (610) and it takes a little while to get to fairchild (605) and your room still needs to be perfect in case your squad gets randomly inspected (550) and you gotta get dressed (545) and you gotta shave and brush your teeth (540)and you need to be sure and study for said GR so don't go to bed until 1. For a grand total of ...... 4 hours and 40 minutes of sleep. But let's not forget the hacking cough i have that basically kept me and my room up from 430 on. So now I have a little less than 2 hours to write a spanish paper. So I'll write my paper. Then I'll go to humanitties, then management (to turn in another paper), then lunch, then staff anouncements, then physics, then physics final review. And ten I will have just enough time to PERFECTLY iron my BDU's and make it to my 630 in the afternoon uniform inspection. Which brings me to my next piece of news. I'm gonna be a drill sergeant this summer! Ha Ha! Except I won't be at the academy yelling at future four degrees, I'll be at lacklund air force base yelling at all the basics that are enlisting. So until then I basically need to have these afternoon basics where I be a basic. Hence the uniform inspection cause if you do AETC (the name of the program) you're an example to the academy and bladdy blah blah. I'm a little afraid of the whole situation. Cause it'll be me alone with some enlisted drill sergeants training these basiccs. What if the sergeants think I'm worthless.... i hear they make fun of the cadets behind their backs if they suck.... what if they make fun of me cause my head shakes? What if the basics just have 0 respect for me and I do a shitty job? So that's keeping me afraid and making me wonder if I should go through the program or not. Food for thought.
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