You scored 58 Softness and 61 Solidarity!
Yes, that's you... All too often people pounce on you without thinking
of your feelings, but it is only because you are so comfortable for people
to "rest on" and "depend on" when they need relaxation, excitement, or
just a good place to lay. Be careful who you let on you and into your
realm, but never lose that good heart of yours. That's what makes
people love you!
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Softness
You scored higher than 99% on Solidarity
The What Bed Item Are You? Test written by
qtgrrlalecia on
Ok Cupid Cynical Idealist
You Consider Love To Be 85% Idealistic, 0% Positive, and 0% Important.
You are the Cynical Idealist. You see love as negative yet also
idealistic. For example, you may feel that there is probably more to
love than just a physical connection. Not only that, but you probably
feel that sex should always involve love. You also probably associate
love with much heartache, pain, and negativity. Thus, while you view
love as something ideal and perfect, you also feel it is quite painful.
As a result, you also feel that love is not very important. You have
written off love because it is so painful, and no doubt find pleasure
through other things in life. Most likely, you have been burned before
in a relationship, and this has given rise to your negative view of
love, despite your tendency to retain an idealistic outlook in regards
to the nature of love.
To sum up:
You think love is more IDEALISTIC, NEGATIVE, and UNIMPORTANT than others.
Please note that your percentage scores for each variable (found at
the top) are a much more accurate reflection of your love attitude than
this category description, which is highly speculative.
The other categories:
Anti-Cupid Jilted Cynic Realist Loving Realist Cynical Cupid Idealist Cupid
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Idealism
You scored higher than 0% on Optimism
You scored higher than 0% on Importance
The Love Personality Test written by
saint_gasoline on
Ok Cupid Well. That's rather discomfiting.