This was on a group I belong to called Anime
I downloaded and watched it tonight, then wiki'ed it and read some bbc articles. Its unbelievable and crazy and upsetting. But also important. Wanted to share it with you guys, even if you don't like/watch anime still watch this. The dub isn't great, neither is the video but its the content that is important here.
"Megumi", the anime version of a manga about the real life 1977 abduction of a Japanese girl by the North Korean government is available for download for free via the Japanese governmental website for Headquarters for the Abduction Issue:
Download link is found here:
Original story on Anime News Network regarding the production:
North Korea kidnapped at least 13 Japanese residents during the 1970s and 1980s, purportedly to train operatives on how to act Japanese. While five have returned to Japan, North Korea claims that most of the others died in North Korea. North Korea returned what it claimed were Yokota's remains in 2002, but the Japanese government determined in 2004 that the remains belonged to two other individuals.
Yokota's father and mother created the original concept and oversaw the manga that Moto drew in Manga Action magazine from December of 2004 to July of 2005. Megumi is the second manga that Moto drew about an abductee. His first was Dakkan (Return), a manga about abductee Kaoru Hasuike.
Available in the following languages: