Dec 07, 2008 03:24

*it's a britney-gaga megamix in my head at any given moment. heavy rotation - amnesia, piece of me, just dance, pokerface, circus
fucking gay.

*no doubt is touring next year!  we didn't do alanis, so i proposed that nic's first concert EVER (i know right!?) should be ND.

*i kind of still have the total existence i had when i was like 17.  all i care about is  music, drinking and dancing to it, drawing, metaphysics, porn and boys (though i've pared it down to just the one ;).  i'm, like, really advanced.

*these are the things i need to slow it up on:  drinking pop-colas (i made my own new hybrid-word), jerking off, procrastinating, and eating out.  so many more but those are the big'ns.

*HA.  how is this not the first thing i said?  WE GOT A CAR!  we wanted a nice little truck, but we decided to just get a drive-off-the-lot used car.  it's a cavalier and it's ...  wait for it...  PURPLE.  i'm driving around in a purple car listening to britney spears.  i'm chris crocker.  it'll be paid off in 9 months, which is rad, and then we'll trade up for a newish and nice truck.

k five more... quick.  umm...
*i love seeing christmas lights everywhere.  it kind of turns me on.  christmas lights are my aphrodisiac, i am thinking.
*saw the Dark Knight for the 2nd time today and i was honestly just bored.  it's way too long.  but heath-ker is fucking amazing, no deny.
*i have kept the beard.  i think it's stickin around for a good while.  i like it better than my naked face actually.
*i know i should have career goals and talk about adult things like stocks and politics and, but i'm just not of it, i'll say 'yet'.  i'm sorry, David.  ;)
*k last one... ....    i want combat boots, a biker jacket, and a digital camera.  thanks santa.  :)

17 forever --  harley
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