
Nov 30, 2008 02:54

why do i read things?

i just read tonight about the young man in New York who was trampled to death during the Black Friday opening pandemonium.
TRAMPLED TO DEATH.  FOR HOLIDAY DISCOUNTS.  and when the employees and emergency workers were clearing the scene and telling people they had to leave, they refused, yelling that they had been in line for over a day and weren't moving. 

and then i read the new article in Rolling Stone about Britney Spears, which was really more of a fairly shocking and dark expose after the journalist found out that her dad has essentially totalitarian rule and control over her freedom and career until HE DIES.  legally binding contracts that authorize him to dictate and supervise her every move.  the court-appointed lawyer representing her takes upwards of 10,000 dollars of her money every WEEK.

i'm sorry, but what is this world?  seriously.
trampling people to death to save 20 bucks on a game system and parents using a legal system to strip a millionaire and international superstar of her own liberty and money with the guise that it's all in her best interests?

maybe 2 very unrelated events on a very different value scale, but both turned my stomach tonight. 
sometimes it feels like the End Times aren't so far after all.

on a positive note, 4 Christmases was hilarious and i haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time.  Nic and i had a great time seeing it.  some silver linings and light shining in this twisted strange world.
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