New addition to top 10 worst days of my life

Jul 20, 2010 22:00

Today started out as usual: I woke up and surfed the web, etc. But mom was pestering me about mowing so I took the only working lawnmower-the other has had its engine replaced, it's belt reattached 5 times over 3 or 4 months, and finally the fuel line was severed somehow- so about 2 hours later I have 10% remaining-it's a really big yard-the mower quits on me so I go get some gas (which as luck would have spilled on my clothes in a little piece of foreshadowing) and wouldn't you know but the truck wouldn't start.

So I called dad to use the jumper cables but when he gets there he won't do anything so I have to do it myself. Now, I have never previously jumped a vehicle so I don't understand a blessed thing about it so when I have it hooked up not a damn thing happens for a good hour or so until he switches a few things around and then we're all set.

Until it stops, thank God it wasn't in the middle of traffic. So we spend a good thirty minutes trying to charge it again.

Then it decided to stop on one of the steepest hills in the city no less than five feet away from the top just as the sun went down. This time we get it started but it rolls backwards so I stop the engine and put it in park. Finally, the fourth time is the charm and I make it home.

God, the worst part of it all is that neither mom or dad have attempted to replace the damn alternator for the three months it has been busted, I know they aren't exactly rich but this is the kind of B.S. You Do Not Put Off For Three Damn Months. That is their biggest problem when they aren't trying to install over sized cabinets they are ignoring the problems for months on end.
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