My gripe with Zombie movies

Jul 13, 2010 00:35

So, I recently watched Highschool of the Dead and while so far there is a greater genre savvy among the cast there are still moments I want to reach into the screen and smack someone. It has all made me acutely aware of why I have a distaste for the genre: every last film should be called "Too Dumb to Live: The Movie".

Common sense and pragmatism is impossible to find: when the government isn't holding a dangerous specimen in the middle of an enclave of survivors, survivors are keeping undead relatives in their houses, or the protagonists are staring at like deer caught in the headlights as their friend is turning you can usually expect that no one is guarding the back- thus allowing a mumbling, shuffling zombie to pick off the only protagonist who can effectively use firearms.

Sometimes I wonder if zombie films try to outdo each other in sheer stupidity... wow, Deja Vu.

Anyway, if I wrote a zombie flick it would be like five minutes long, the main character would immediately recognize that the moaning, shuffling man with a vacant stare and half his torso missing was an undead and kill it with a baseball bat, go to the gunstore and stealth kill the paranoid owner while passing out one melee weapon, one shotgun, and a rifle (sniper or otherwise) along with all the ammo to the survivors who form packs of three which never leave formation.
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