Today's mail brought copies of
Fantasy Magazine #4 and
A quick flip through both reveals them to be pretty cool, and with a lot of fiction in FM for the six bucks. The dialogue sections in 'Mono', my story in Phantom, however, are fucked, and so therefor it's kind of difficult to make sense out of what the characters are saying. It appears that in the layout stage, someone has just gone, left, right, left, right with the justifications, and so the voices all switch sides and get confusing. The blame is really my fault: I should have triple checked it when the pdfs came round, but I was concerned about other formating issues. Anyhow, if you got Phantom, and you found my bit confusing there, email me at and I'll send you the straight version. It's my fault and I apologise for that.
Publishing dialogue is actually a bit of a bitch, you know. Anything that switches out of that paragraphing style of writing prose has got to be watched really closely. All the stuff Deb Layne (
wheatland_press) and I had to keep an eye on in
Twenty-Six Lies/One Truth was the dialogue sections--and there's heaps of that in there, but none of it, I assure you, switches sides. It's all good.
In other news, it looks like I will be running a one day Experimental Fiction workshop at the NSW Writers Centre early next year. February, I think. Should be fun. It'll be advertised in the next brochure, apparently.
Now, to return to writing the things I've promised I would write.