(no subject)

Sep 27, 2004 15:19

i am in love with this essay. Tell me how you feel about it. There are a lot of things that i must work with, but all in all i am in love with it.

Without ever saying a word...
My cat has got to be the coolest cat you’ll ever hear about. His name was Bombie. I named him this because I received him at the age of four. At the age of four, naming a cat can be somewhat exciting. Now this kitten that I had just received from my parents, was black with a little tuft of white on his neck. Me, having as much vocabulary as a four-year-old does, thought about the fact that bombs are usually black. A kitten was a baby, and this cat was indeed a kitten. Therefore, Bomb + Baby = Bombie! Thus was the naming of this wonderful cat of mine.
Time went by, and Bombie and I were basically inseparable. He would come outside with me, sleep with me, eat with me, even bathe with me. He’d sit outside the shower, and let me pet him while I was in there. Weird? Yes. Adorable? Yes. And as more time went by, I started to have some problems with life, including, but not limited to, school work, friends, family, the opposite sex, and appendicitis. Throughout every one of my problems, however, Bombie was always there for me. It sounds silly because he’s a cat and that’s what he’s supposed to do, but he was more. My parents knew how much he meant to me, and if I would be sitting in my room, wishing that the world would cut me some slack, my mom would just bring him into me and plop him on top of me, and not even say a word. I could basically talk to him about anything. Again I may sound like a lunatic, but none-the-less, I talked to my cat. If he was there with me, things just seemed better. Even without the help of my mom, it seemed like if he heard me crying, he would rush in and start purring and rubbing against my stomach. Most importantly, Bombie didn’t judge me. He didn’t care if I was picked last in gym class, or if my hair looked stupid that day, or if the paper I wrote for English class wasn’t good enough for the teacher’s crazy standards. To put into simpler words, he loved me.
I have met so many people in my 17 years of existence. I’ve met people that I’ve loved, people that I could talk to about anything, people that I disliked, people that I hurt, people that I didn’t care about either way, and some people I will love until the day I die. Every person has helped me in some way. I kind of compare these people to Bombie. If one has the qualities of Bombie, if they will listen to what I have to say, silently agree with me, and not tell another soul how I feel, then they are truly worth staying with. My favorite characteristic about this cat is that he was laid back. He didn’t mind about anything, and I just love people like that. He was a hippie. Yes you read correctly, my cat was a hippie. He brought peace and happiness into my world when I was down. He helped me get to sleep at night. Bombie really is the epitome of what I look for in a person.
One September afternoon, I received news that my beloved cat had been killed. Probably a local coyote didn’t like him invading his area, and killed him. My neighbor found him and sent me the letter in the mail. He was also nice enough to deal with the burying also. It crushed me, but it really taught me a lesson at the same time. Life goes on. I lost something that I held dear to my heart. But I kept going. I strive to be the cat Bombie was… well, you know what I mean. I strive to help people in their struggles, and to keep a happy laid-back smile on my face. Bombie was happy and I am so lucky to have had him in my life. He taught me so many lessons, all without even saying a word.

In happy news, i got a 97 on my pre-calc test that counts for around 20% of my grade!

Things are going a lot better... I understand more things that i wish i did a week ago. thank you, and i'm sorry.

woodbury tonight! rockin...
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