Ocho Años de Memorias

Dec 31, 2009 12:23

Ocho Años de Memorias
"Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough."

-Karl Marx

(Photo Source: Meir Ben Ari)

Though I'm no stranger to the occasional LJ hiatus, I'm afraid I won't be returning from this one anytime soon. Like every relationship (and my long-time readers know I've had plenty...bad ones, that is), people change, expectations change, and even more importantly, the experiences change.

Despite all the new haircuts, new clothes, and new attitdues that relationships generally go through, there comes a day when un-crossable lines are crossed and the changes become too much. The person you once fell in love with, transforms into something unrecognizable, awkward, and unfamiliar. And as a matter of civility, a gentleman knows when it's time to bid farewell. For me, that time has come.

I want to thank all my wonderful readers, old, new, and unknown (don't think I don't see you lurking over there in the shadows!). I've made some life-long friends, as well as some life-long people-I-wish-I'd-never-met. But most importantly, I want to thank all of you for following me through all these years, from the mundane early years of my blogging, to the mundane later years of my blogging (one would've hoped that I'd grown as a writer in that time!).

I'll be checking in occasionally, so please keep me on your friends-lists. Afterall, I'm still genuinely interested in the going-ons in your life if you're still going to write about it :). As for my own writing, my incorrigible ego isn't going to leave without a fight, so you are all cordially invited to join me as I dive into new beginnings and adventures in the next phase of my life:


And you can subscribe to me here.

See you guys on the flip side :).


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