The Tearful conclusion to :Are you sure you're not Robert?

Mar 29, 2005 19:12

This took place in the time period of uh yesterday.
notice how Dancingfairy0304 has talked to me first everytime.
i didn't even start any of this:

Dancingfairy0304: u there?
theinsidiousduck: hey
theinsidiousduck: finding nemo still sucks
Dancingfairy0304: ah....shutup
Dancingfairy0304: your dumb
theinsidiousduck: so how are you
Dancingfairy0304: jus fine and u?
Dancingfairy0304: cody hayes is on
theinsidiousduck: awesome
theinsidiousduck: better then you
Dancingfairy0304: r u talking to him?
theinsidiousduck: no
theinsidiousduck: whats his sn?
Dancingfairy0304: DonationBoxBoy
theinsidiousduck: haha
Dancingfairy0304: really!!
theinsidiousduck: allllright
theinsidiousduck: fine
Dancingfairy0304: did u im him?
theinsidiousduck: not yet
theinsidiousduck: but i will
theinsidiousduck: oh i will
Dancingfairy0304: alrighty
theinsidiousduck: hey i have to tell you a secret
Dancingfairy0304: go rite on a head
theinsidiousduck: promise you wont tell any one
theinsidiousduck: ever
Dancingfairy0304: sure
theinsidiousduck: no really u have to promise
Dancingfairy0304: *promise*
theinsidiousduck: and promise u wont be mad
theinsidiousduck: or freaked out
theinsidiousduck: or invovle the police
theinsidiousduck: involve*
theinsidiousduck: ?
theinsidiousduck: promise?
Dancingfairy0304: ok..................
Dancingfairy0304: tell me im getting paranoid
theinsidiousduck: I'M NOT ROBERT
theinsidiousduck: I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU
theinsidiousduck: AT ALL
theinsidiousduck: I'M NOT EVEN A BOY
theinsidiousduck: so anyways glad i got that out of the way
theinsidiousduck: its like a burden off my chest or something


Dancingfairy0304: what u school do you go 2 then
Dancingfairy0304: ???
theinsidiousduck: Terre haute vigo south high
Dancingfairy0304: yeah rite
theinsidiousduck: ok i don't go there
Dancingfairy0304: what's your name
theinsidiousduck: Kelsey
theinsidiousduck: what's yours?
theinsidiousduck: just kidding i'm taylin
Dancingfairy0304: really>
Dancingfairy0304: ???
theinsidiousduck: no.
Dancingfairy0304: whois this?
theinsidiousduck: Kelsey
theinsidiousduck: unless u dont belive me
theinsidiousduck: then im robert again
Dancingfairy0304: kelsey, sara h;s friend?
theinsidiousduck: lool yeah
theinsidiousduck: who are you?
Dancingfairy0304: omg
Dancingfairy0304: really than what grade ru in?
theinsidiousduck: are you testing me?
theinsidiousduck: i'm in 9th


Dancingfairy0304: ok this is kelsey and u play soccer rite?
theinsidiousduck: uh huh
theinsidiousduck: :}
Dancingfairy0304: this is sarah r and for sum rezen sum 1 told me this is roberts sn
theinsidiousduck: hehe hi sarah
theinsidiousduck: nice talking to you
Dancingfairy0304: omg
Dancingfairy0304: you pranked me reallll bad
theinsidiousduck: yea i know
theinsidiousduck: it's been fun
Dancingfairy0304: dng, what made u give yourself up?
theinsidiousduck: hmm
theinsidiousduck: im not sure
theinsidiousduck: couldn't of been my conscience
theinsidiousduck: i dont have one of those
Dancingfairy0304: i'm surprised u didnt wait until i went to school and find out it was no one there
theinsidiousduck: lool
theinsidiousduck: yea that would of been pretty funny
theinsidiousduck: but im not that patient
Dancingfairy0304: o, you like the outcome ey?
theinsidiousduck: hehe sure
Dancingfairy0304: of your orank, its the best part
theinsidiousduck: its a twist ending
theinsidiousduck: by the way
theinsidiousduck: would u mind if i posted this on my website?
Dancingfairy0304: your crazy, but that was good,but, that sn i gave u i told the person who's it is that i agev it to you and they were like, theyshould already have it, and then i was confused
Dancingfairy0304: u c?
theinsidiousduck: yes i do
Dancingfairy0304: hahahaha
theinsidiousduck: hey so its ok if i put this prank on my website
Dancingfairy0304: how can u?
Dancingfairy0304: save the im'es?
theinsidiousduck: yeps
Dancingfairy0304: i guess, are u for rizzle?
theinsidiousduck: yes very
Dancingfairy0304: ok then go rite on ahead
theinsidiousduck: shweet
Dancingfairy0304: ight plan 2 c it
theinsidiousduck: yeps just ask sara about it
Dancingfairy0304 signed off at 11:54:14 PM.

the most anti climatic thing ever.It was sara roberts the whole time.

lool i still can't beleive that went on for over three days.

hey look it's the middle school i went to in 6th grade,

nicer then i remember it.

You're not safe in your home-O'Weasels

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