hehe back in the day Kristy and i used to mess with people on the internet all the time, and we got really grood at it.then we found better stuff to do or forgot about it or something else happened and then i forgot it.so anyways i hadnt played mind games with someone of inferior IQ in a while,
the following insued:
oh and im the insidiousduck by the way and i dont know the other person at all or anything about them and they IMed me.
ok you can read now,
Dancingfairy0304: whos dis?
Dancingfairy0304: robert?
theinsidiousduck: yes.
theinsidiousduck: obviously
Dancingfairy0304: o
Dancingfairy0304: i 4 got, my bad
Dancingfairy0304: anyone else on i know?
theinsidiousduck: your mom
Dancingfairy0304: hahahaha, very funny, forreal tho?
Dancingfairy0304: anyone else?
Dancingfairy0304: :-D
theinsidiousduck: uh i don think so bro
Dancingfairy0304: your dumb! lol!
Dancingfairy0304: are playin soccer 4 ss this season?
theinsidiousduck: damn straight
Dancingfairy0304: me 2, malany weihr's mom is the coach
theinsidiousduck: oh neat
theinsidiousduck: whend u start liking usher?
Dancingfairy0304: i don't really like him that much, but i was just meein around w my thingy and I just left it there
Dancingfairy0304: messin*
Dancingfairy0304: thingy as in icon! lol
theinsidiousduck: ur nasty!!!!!
theinsidiousduck: lol!
Dancingfairy0304: hahahaha!
theinsidiousduck: whod ya hear that from~!
theinsidiousduck: your mom???
Dancingfairy0304: WHATS UP WITH THAT\
theinsidiousduck: sry...
theinsidiousduck: she's hot
theinsidiousduck: tru dat
theinsidiousduck: why are you yelling at me?
theinsidiousduck: :'(
Dancingfairy0304: DO YOU KNOW WAFFE?
theinsidiousduck: doesnt everyone?
theinsidiousduck: LOL
Dancingfairy0304: ???
Dancingfairy0304: 8-)
theinsidiousduck: what do you thiink????
theinsidiousduck: LOL
Dancingfairy0304: YEAH?
theinsidiousduck: oh god no!
theinsidiousduck: fo reels!!!!!
theinsidiousduck: !!!!!
theinsidiousduck: ima beat him up
Dancingfairy0304: hEY iLOVE YOU
theinsidiousduck: i love you too man.....
theinsidiousduck: its a sweet man love we share
theinsidiousduck: brb
*ok at that point i had to go play some playstation and later i signed off just becuz i didnt care*
The Next Day
theinsidiousduck: hey whyd u say you oved me?
theinsidiousduck: loved*
Dancingfairy0304: man, that was my brother, i went to take the roles out of the oven and i came bac nad that was there and he started lauhing, i tryed to tell you but u were away
theinsidiousduck: oh welll that was a close one i thought u went queer eye for the stright guy on me there
Dancingfairy0304: huh?
theinsidiousduck: its a figure of speech
Dancingfairy0304: wat's that suppose to mean?
Dancingfairy0304: oic
Dancingfairy0304: I bout strangles my bro tho
theinsidiousduck: wat up home frie!
Dancingfairy0304: he's dumb
theinsidiousduck: i bet
Dancingfairy0304: i couldnt believe he did that
Dancingfairy0304: for sum rezen this dont seem like robert
theinsidiousduck: whys that
Dancingfairy0304: i dunno
Dancingfairy0304: maybe by the way you talk doesnt seem rite for you
Dancingfairy0304: ?!?!?!
theinsidiousduck: peeps change
theinsidiousduck: plus its spring
Dancingfairy0304: so. you changed for spring then?
theinsidiousduck: seems like u did to
theinsidiousduck: this is the new robert
theinsidiousduck: get used to it
Dancingfairy0304: rite...............
Dancingfairy0304: do you have regular cable?
Dancingfairy0304: paige f is on
theinsidiousduck: oh paige is on?
theinsidiousduck: whats her sn
Dancingfairy0304: Make7upYourspf91.....but she's not responding
Dancingfairy0304: long s/n aint it?
theinsidiousduck: yeah really
theinsidiousduck: didnt kno they could be that long
Dancingfairy0304: how do i know this isn't a big trick and i', really talking to taylin?
Dancingfairy0304: your is
Dancingfairy0304: your sn is*
theinsidiousduck: ask me something only taylin would know
theinsidiousduck: to test meh
Dancingfairy0304: uh............
Dancingfairy0304: i dunno?
theinsidiousduck: well i guess im robert then
Dancingfairy0304: one time my dad took our pics, where did he take them?
theinsidiousduck: im i suppost to remember that?
theinsidiousduck: am*
Dancingfairy0304: so wait this is robert rite
theinsidiousduck: ok you caught me im really robert
Dancingfairy0304: or taylin?
Dancingfairy0304: huh!!
theinsidiousduck: if i was taylin would i say i was robert?
Dancingfairy0304: i been knowing this was robert wat r u takin about?
Dancingfairy0304: i dunno maybe for fun 2 c wat i would talk about
theinsidiousduck: ok thanks
theinsidiousduck: finally admit im robert
Dancingfairy0304: your crazy!!
Dancingfairy0304: anyway
Dancingfairy0304: about waffe..
Dancingfairy0304: does he liek taylin?
theinsidiousduck: i hope not
Dancingfairy0304: i think he's really cute, but i hears hes really nasty
theinsidiousduck: have u asked him if he likes her?
theinsidiousduck: ew i dont care if he's cute, im a manly man
Dancingfairy0304: no, i heard he was trying to talk to her, that's all i know
Dancingfairy0304: r u sure this is robert?
theinsidiousduck: yes im sure
theinsidiousduck: do i ever lie to you?
Dancingfairy0304: its not like you talk to me alot or sumthin so how would i know
Dancingfairy0304: ??
theinsidiousduck: ok thats true
theinsidiousduck: i always wished we'd talk more
Dancingfairy0304: is any one else on now?
Dancingfairy0304: yeah rite very funny
theinsidiousduck: LOL
theinsidiousduck: uh idonnoman
Dancingfairy0304: loook on your buddy list!
theinsidiousduck: my brother erased it
Dancingfairy0304: y does this all seem like a big
Dancingfairy0304: lie
Dancingfairy0304: watch win we go bac to scooll, sumone gonna cum up 2 me and be like, remember win u thought u were talking to robert? that was really me!!
theinsidiousduck: haha thatd be funny if that happened
Dancingfairy0304: it probably will
Dancingfairy0304: waffe's hot, u think so?
theinsidiousduck: why are you asking me that?
Dancingfairy0304: i just wanted to see how you'd respond to c if u were tricking me of who this is
Dancingfairy0304: so do u?
Dancingfairy0304: if you can say crazy confusing stuff, so can i , rite?
theinsidiousduck: i guess
theinsidiousduck: but if you were really my friend you'd know it was me
theinsidiousduck: im robert
theinsidiousduck: and i used to have a reallly big crush on you
theinsidiousduck: remember?
Dancingfairy0304: whatever this seems so fake but i'll go along incase
Dancingfairy0304: ok, now i know this is really fake, who is this really?
Dancingfairy0304: u neva had a crush so stop lieong, ok?
Dancingfairy0304: lieing
Dancingfairy0304: **
Dancingfairy0304: whats your other screenname then?
theinsidiousduck: i guess i never told you about it
theinsidiousduck: becuase i knew you didnt like me
Dancingfairy0304: your funny, u must be driged up
Dancingfairy0304: hahahahaha
Dancingfairy0304: drugged
theinsidiousduck: haha driged
Dancingfairy0304: :-D
Dancingfairy0304: but tis seems to girlish conv. for a boy
Dancingfairy0304: this&
Dancingfairy0304: undastannd?
Dancingfairy0304: write grndpa!!
theinsidiousduck: omg u just called me a girl
theinsidiousduck: why are you being so mean
theinsidiousduck: wait till we get back to school
Dancingfairy0304: i said this conv, seems too girlish for a girl and boy to be talking
theinsidiousduck: why do you want me to come onto you or sumthin?
theinsidiousduck: cuz im not going to
theinsidiousduck: i like taylin
Dancingfairy0304: and...........what's gonna happen win i get bac to school, besides when i find out this is a big joke?
Dancingfairy0304: dah.........
theinsidiousduck: yea i wouldnt joke about that
Dancingfairy0304: that's not even wat i mean, your mind is screwed, i just meanthe way you talk is girlish like win u say "omg"
Dancingfairy0304: and stuff like that
theinsidiousduck: EVERYBODY SAYS THAT!
theinsidiousduck: im not gay
Dancingfairy0304: thats good u and taylin like each other, i have have no bizness in it and i dont want too
Dancingfairy0304: that was girlish too!!
Dancingfairy0304: hahahaha
Dancingfairy0304: saying that!
theinsidiousduck: shutup!
theinsidiousduck: im getting pissed off
Dancingfairy0304: and the rezen this could be taylin, is bc, u guys around each other alot, or u guys probably know each otha's passwords, and i think i remeber her being on your s/n one time
theinsidiousduck: i told her not to and she stoped
Dancingfairy0304: o
Dancingfairy0304: i. c
Dancingfairy0304: grrrrr. no one's on
theinsidiousduck: yea i kno
Dancingfairy0304: >:o
theinsidiousduck: it sucks
Dancingfairy0304: so your not talking to any one else on the computer rite now?
Dancingfairy0304: im not
theinsidiousduck: me either
Dancingfairy0304: there's a few people w thier away messag on, but that's it on my buddy list
theinsidiousduck: same here
Dancingfairy0304: i thought everyone got on at nite
Dancingfairy0304: wat's th eusual time period everyone gets on?
theinsidiousduck: i dont know i think everyones asleep
Dancingfairy0304: o
Dancingfairy0304: man i gotta go 2 church 2morrow for easter
Dancingfairy0304: it kinda sucs
theinsidiousduck: i have to too
Dancingfairy0304: but its not that bad cuz olivia and stacy scank go 2
Dancingfairy0304: i didnt no u go to church, really?
theinsidiousduck: sometimes
Dancingfairy0304: oooooo.........
Dancingfairy0304: well immma go cuz i gotta wake up early!!
Dancingfairy0304: ok?goodnite
Dancingfairy0304: anonymous person
theinsidiousduck: hey
theinsidiousduck: im robert
Dancingfairy0304: or maybe really robert
theinsidiousduck: thank you
Dancingfairy0304: nitey nite
Dancingfairy0304: im asking u about this at school k?
Dancingfairy0304: ?
Dancingfairy0304: ?
Dancingfairy0304: alrite?
Dancingfairy0304: >:oey
theinsidiousduck: go ahead
Dancingfairy0304: alrite then
Dancingfairy0304: talk to ya l8ter
Dancingfairy0304: nite for final
Dancingfairy0304: ****************************outey, and tell your fine frienf waffe hey for me
theinsidiousduck: ew
Dancingfairy0304: wat?
Dancingfairy0304: he is
theinsidiousduck: nvm
theinsidiousduck: just go
Dancingfairy0304: !!!
Dancingfairy0304: y?
Dancingfairy0304: to me. he is sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!
Dancingfairy0304: ok nite again
theinsidiousduck: bye
Dancingfairy0304 signed off at 12:49:11 AM
*lool this time did you notice me being awesome at acting like a guy? i'm a great actress*
Dancingfairy0304: u there?
theinsidiousduck: hi
Dancingfairy0304: sup?
Dancingfairy0304: were u online lastnite?
theinsidiousduck: i dont remember
Dancingfairy0304: no really did i talk 2 u lastnite on the im?
theinsidiousduck: yea i think so
theinsidiousduck: oh yea i remember we talked
theinsidiousduck: u thought i was taylin
Dancingfairy0304: ok,jus checkin 2 if it was u
theinsidiousduck: yea its me
Dancingfairy0304: k, is anyone elese on now?
theinsidiousduck: nope
Dancingfairy0304: dang, y is no one ever on, i thought ere bodi got on all late and stuff!
theinsidiousduck: i guess not
Dancingfairy0304: -o-
Dancingfairy0304: y were u sayin all that dumb stuff the otha dai?
theinsidiousduck: i was feeling wierd i guess
theinsidiousduck: it was pretty late
Dancingfairy0304: like(remember i used to have a crush on you)? your dumb
Dancingfairy0304: yeah rite, jus bc your tired, u dont do that...........or do u?
Dancingfairy0304: lol
theinsidiousduck: lol
theinsidiousduck: u dont kno meh too well
Dancingfairy0304: hahahahaha
Dancingfairy0304: did u go 2 church?
Dancingfairy0304: ???
Dancingfairy0304: u said u had to!remember?
theinsidiousduck: yea i did
Dancingfairy0304: o
theinsidiousduck: did u
Dancingfairy0304: yeah, but i got to leave early to go to my g-maas
theinsidiousduck: neat
Dancingfairy0304: shah
theinsidiousduck: huh?
Dancingfairy0304: u know like crush on finding nemo, says "shah" for yes?
theinsidiousduck: oh ok
theinsidiousduck: that movie's gay
*yea that's probably exactly what robert would say, i bet i made her cry*
hehe by the way this is still going on.i plan to tell this poor lady im not robert,when i feel like it,and i'll post the results.
oooooh the Electric Sheeps,guess what i rented for movie/easter egg hunting day?