Life & such.

Jan 29, 2011 18:13

I had a pretty good meeting at Weight Watchers on Tuesday. The official scale confirmed what I had already believed: I almost lost 5 kg. I'm at a total of 4.8 kg (10.5 lbs); a result I'm really, really proud of. I'm definitely also starting to see the first changes of my body and how more and more clothes fit me better. The dress I bought before ( Read more... )

work:transfer, personal:weight watchers, work:nyc, personal:weight loss

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Comments 13

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benitle January 29 2011, 17:18:02 UTC
Haha, thanks! I'm freaking out in that IT'S MAKING MY HEAD HURT AND I WANT TO FAST FORWARD TIME way. I don't know how that is. Apparently I'm only realizing now that I might move to the other side of the world very soon. Ooops.

Thank you! It is pretty awesome. I have my occasional day where I'm annoyed with the program but overall it's still pretty cool.


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benitle January 29 2011, 18:44:44 UTC
I suppose a little freak out will make the result a little bit sweeter. I'm hoping that by the time I get there, all that SNOW is gone. DNW moar winter.

I will make sure my points will allow for the occasional sweet potato fries. Yum! (Though, adapting to WW in the US does seem a little scary too. I have to learn a new metric system and there's probably going to be a bunch of new foods. I might eat nothing but salad and the occasional sweet potato fries until the day I die. *g*)



wendy January 29 2011, 18:40:24 UTC
So glad good things are happening for you!!


benitle January 29 2011, 18:45:11 UTC
Thank you Wendy! I'm very excited and incredibly scared at the same time.


spilled_coffee January 29 2011, 19:29:04 UTC
So, jetzt muss ich doch mal fragen. 5 Kilo ist ja super! Ich überlege auch schon länger bei WW mitzumachen, aber mich schrecken die Kosten ab. Die scheinen mir recht hoch - lernt man denn wirklich so viel neues, das sich das lohnt?

Und ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass mit deinem Visum dieses Mal alles klar geht.


benitle January 29 2011, 20:01:37 UTC
Ich glaube am Anfang geht das immer recht schnell, aber 5 kg in den ersten vier Wochen ist wohl nicht so ungewöhnlich. WW beruht sehr stark auf Dingen, die eigentlich allgemein bekannt sind: viel Trinken, viel Obst und Gemüse, viel Vollkorn, wenig Süßes und Alkohol ( ... )


kristypadalecki January 29 2011, 20:43:18 UTC
I'm so proud of you, trying to lose weight. Sounds like you're doing really well too! :D I know how difficult it can be, believe me.

Good luck with your visa. I hope everything works out in your favor. *hugs*


benitle January 30 2011, 11:41:04 UTC
Thank you! At this point I'm not finding it as hard as I thought it would be. However, I'm certain there will be times when it DOES become very hard.

I really hope so too. I was heartbroken the last time it didn't work out. I don't want to go through something like this again. *hugs*


storydivagirl January 29 2011, 23:53:11 UTC
Yay on the weight loss. And i think we all have times where we fall back into old habits or have a bad - it's just about moving past it (which thwarted me so many times)

Congrats on the move! I hope it's not too stressful!


benitle January 30 2011, 11:43:39 UTC
Yes, definitely. I'll have to learn to accept "failure" and simply move on. At this point, I can generate a lot of self-hate and negative energy whenever I "fail" at something. This is definitely something I need to work on.

Thank you! It'll be crazy, I think. Just hoping not too crazy. *g*


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