I've lost my first kilo (ca. 2 lbs). I've been taking this whole workout thing seriously for about 2 weeks now and given that I haven't really changed my diet (I'm still having cake every once in a while and I'm still eating carbs - though I try to eat less fat and more fruit), I'd say this isn't too bad. I could probably get faster result if I also changed my diet, but I know if I start saying no to a lot of things, I'd never make it. So instead, I'll exercise regularly, watch how much I eat but will continue (mostly) as previously, eating-wise.
I wish I could lose 30 kilos in total, but I'm not sure whether I can. For now I'm trying for 10 kilos and then I'll see from there. I'm trying to set myself little goals that I can actually reach within a reasonable time frame to keep the motivation high. For now, one of my goals is to lose enough weight to fit back into two pairs of jeans that I bought back in 2008 and that now have become too small. That should be doable.
Exercise-wise, my goal will be to do at least a little something every day. I only did 35 minutes of yoga today and I feel I should've done some cardio too but I haven't had any dinner yet and only had a smallish lunch. So food now. Plus my motivation is a little down today.
I'll have to get up early tomorrow and work out because I'm getting the tattoo tomorrow and I'm not sure whether and how I'll be able to exercise for a few days. I'd assume it's not the best idea to exercise with a fresh tattoo, right?
Look what the awesome
wendy sent me:
(It's a Jake Gyllenhaal article from GQ magazine. And instead of trashing Jake, Wendy sent him to me. Now if only Wendy had the powers to send me the real thing too. I'd like that.)
Food now. For real.