...I may have been overstating a little (/channeling Donna Moss.)
So. Lots of posts on
hp_100_mots. With a competition between the members and I to find the most obscure characters. Two drabbles (sorry, three!) on Yaxley yesterday (tag didn't exist - points for the comm's members) (12 tags for characters whose names starts by 'a' still not used - points for me.). More than 30 answers to the two-weeks challenge that'll end tomorrow. *iz exhausted* Not to mention answers to the second challenge running. We also lost our first member, presumably drowned under the number of posts or something.
Am currently wondering whether Abe's goat is a valid character. Have already accepted Room of Requirement and the Weasley's Ghoul as such. Also pondering the creation of a 'OTC' tag - Original Thestral Character, right? Because if I use 'a thestral', in no time I'll have to create either 'two thestrals', 'three thestrals' and so on, or 'a thestral but not the same as the one *** wrote about last time'. (Is it me, or does my description make my comm look a bit like the UU?)
I should probably add more caffeine to the problem. Will make things clearer.
Anyway. Wrote another Smurf slash drabble:
What I Smurfed In My Dreams 300 words. Pastrycook/Grouchy. Pastrycook has a bad dream. Smurf angst. (Or as close to it as you can come.)
... and on a totally unrelated note - watched the end of season 4 of The West Wing again yesterday. Came out with this fancy for reading/writing about Ron Butterfield. Am wondering who to pair him with. Ron/Charlie? Ron/Sam? Ron/Margaret? Any ideas?
- Allez lire le formidable OS de
taraxacumoff Bonne journée, Auror Shacklebot. Kingsley qui traverse le Ministère pour retrouver son bureau. Le meilleur éclat de rire de ma semaine (passée... Il y a déjà si longtemps que je n'ai pas posté?). Bref. Allez lire. Ne buvez pas en même temps.
- Et aussi, la fic de
gribouille. Pirate des Caraibes, Sparrow/Norrington. Jack et James sont sur un bateau. C'est la fic qui a remporté la première place pour le mois d'avril sur
31_jours, et c'était amplement mérité.
Où il est question de barques n'allant à vrai dire nulle part - Et si vous aimez les pairings étranges et mystérieux (Xenophilius/Tante Muriel, Slughorn/Sanguini, Severus/ la chèvre de Monsieur Seguin... Pardon, celle d'Abelforth, mais aussi Elphias/Bathilda, Hermione/Maugrey, ou Lucius/Arthur ♥...), c'est le moment d'aller faire un tour sur
hp_100_mots. Ils ont tous eu droit à leur drabble ces derniers jours.
Oh, et j'ai écrit une nouvelle schtroumpferie,
Ce que j'ai schtroumpfé en rêve. Pâtissier/Grognon. Le Schtroumpf Pâtissier se réveilla en sursaut, et agrippa le bras du Schtroumpf Grognon. (pour
oceanonox, posté sur
strip_cocker) (Oui, c'est la même qu'au dessus.)