Apr 27, 2011 22:07

If five years of drabbling isn't a thing to celebrate, then I don't know what is. Here's the full list of what I've written in 2010/2011. Yay for new fandoms!

Harry Potter

- Untitled 500 words, Percy/Harry drabble (Old Challenges Revisited: Wrong Time, Wrong Place for slashthedrabble)

- Plain and Simple (Will Fail You Just The Same) / To Everything There Is a Time 100 words, Snarry, Severus will have you know he had a plan! / 100 words, Percy/Oliver, "Quick, walk up to the Astronomy Tower with me!" (Old Challenges Revisited: Plan and Elvis Presley Song Title - Your Time Hasn't Come Yet Baby for slashthedrabble) - To Everything There Is a Time has been reposted on weasleys_wood

- Summer 1981, a snapshot, Frank, Alice, baby!Neville, ~250 words, G. A family picnic (Readers' challenge on first_order)

- 2 teenage Frank/Alice drabbles PG rated, 100 words each. Mums, They Have Radars For Eyes - Frank tries to sneak his girlfriend into the house. / Jealousy Brings About The Unlikeliest Decisions - Alice makes a decision when Frank's attention strays.

- A Gryffindor's Plan, Ron/Draco, Harry, mention of Lucius, PG. When Harry offers his help, he doesn't do it by halves. (St Mungo's/hospital on rondracodrabble)

- The Full Story, As Told By Minerva (Who Hasn't Cried Yet), Minerva, Severus/Hermione. 200 words. G. (No dialogue on grangersnape100)

His Home is His Castle (and This Wizard is a King) (scroll down, it's #5) Lucius/Hermione, 300 words, G. Time does fly when one is busy ruling the nation, doesn't it? (“everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds” -- Candide for crossgendrabble)

Hogwarts' Weekly (A Soap Opera) 100 words, Severus/Hermione, G. The Divination Teacher kept Severus informed of Hogwarts' latest bits of gossip with a biting irony Hermione would never have expected from her. (writing challenge on grangersnape100)

Bittersweet Thoughts, Charlie/Narcissa, 100 words. Her head pillowed on Charlie's strong, freckled chest, Narcissa tries not to think too much. (Prompts: "Flighty" on writing_game and "Musings" on slytherin100)

Missing Moments (#1) 300 words, Minerva, Luna, G. [S]he couldn't exactly escape her own retirement party, could she? (“It is one of my rules in life, never to notice what I don't understand.” -The Moonstone for crossgendrabble)

Out of Comfort Zone, (#3) 200 words, Arthur, Lavender, PG. Arthur was reasonably confident that the reason for his meeting Lavender Brown today would come up in no time ("Meeting the parents") for crossgendrabble week 6)

- Cold, Chance of Stubbornness, 150 words, PG, Ron/Draco. Ron's cold, but Draco is colder. It's unfair! Crossposted on ron_draco

- Silent Treatment, G, Severus/Hermione. Part of the Grandpa!Severus universe. Timmy's not five anymore. (Time for a Change on grangersnape100)

- Slow Dance, 100 words, G, Ron/Draco. Ron's as good at seducing someone as he is at dancing with them, that is to say, not good at all. (Prompt 'dance' for rondracodrabble)

- Life's True Treasure, 100 words, PG. Pansy/Oliver. Over tea, former friends pretended to be sorry for her smaller house or her second-rate husband. (Prompt 'Gossip' on slytherin100)

- Making Friends (#2), 257 words, Snape, Luna. Even with Luna's help, it's not easy for Professor Snape to get the Thestrals to accept his presence. (Prompt 'Thestrals' for crossgendrabble)


- Untitled 150 words drabble Griffin/David, PG. It's like it's a game to him, like he's never heard of the Paladins - or rather, maybe, like the Paladins have never heard of him. (writing_game week 67's board, prompt: action = follow)

- Day Off 100 words, G, Griffin/David (if you squint) The concept of day off was entirely alien to Griffin. Crossposted on movie_100 (as it was written for their challenge #35, climb).


- The Price He Would Not Name., 100 words, Merlin/Arthur implied, PG. Arthur's desperate now. "What if I gave you gold?" he asks. "Just say the word, and I'll open Camelot's vaults for you." (Gold(en) for merlin100)

- Just Remember We Have No Business Believing In Omens, 100 words, Merlin/Arthur, PG. There was a patch of forest near Camelot the Prince tended to get lost in with his manservant during hunting parties. (Lightning for merlin100)

The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters

- 10 sentences for a meme. PG-13, Cardinal Chang, Miss Temple, Aunt Agathe, Roger Bascombe, Dr Svenson, Lydia Vandaariff, Karl-Horst von Maasmärck, Angelique, Smythe, The Contessa in various combinations. ( Linked to on bookfanfiction)

Hikaru no Go

- Go Stone For Your Thoughts? 100 words, Hikaru/Akira, PG. Yes, Akira has imagined them before, plenty of times (Past Prompts Revisited, #002, Fantasies for slashthedrabble) Crossposted on hikarunogo

- Auguring the Last? 100 words, Kaga/Tsutsui, G. "Those were the very first words you ever said to me." Crossposted on hikarunogo

The Smurfs

- Early Morning Fright, 100 words, G, Pastrycook/Grouchy. Grouchy's lips […] were only ever smurfed to say 'I hate it'

- The Sentiment (If Not The Words), 100 words, PG, Pastrycook/Grouchy, Handy, Farmer, mention of Azrael. "Pastrycook," Grouchy smurfed urgently into the crook of his lover's neck, "if we can't smurf out of here, I want you to smurf that I…"

Comments and encouragements for the year of writing to come are more than welcome. ♥

schtroumpfs, writing, hikago, drabbles: en, jumper, hp, benebu makes a list, merlin, glass books

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