Life's True Treasures

Jan 30, 2011 15:17

Disclaimer: the characters belong to JK Rowling.

Challenge: #157, Gossip
Characters/Pairings: Pansy/Oliver
Wordcound: 100 words
Rating: PG
Notes: Posting now so that I can officially be Done Tweaking It. Seriously!

Pansy knew what they said about her. Hell, the comments she missed, someone always made a point of telling her of. Over tea, former friends pretended to be sorry for her smaller house or her second-rate husband.

So what if the world thought that the little Slytherin princess had slipped, marrying a man whose family line couldn't be traced more than a handful of generations back?

She doubted that those oh-so-perfectly married women in their icy manors could imagine how little grandeur and peer-approval weighted against the warmth, love and laughter that filled her and Oliver's house day-in and day-out.

author: benebu, char: oliver, prompt: gossip, char: pansy

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