Ishiguro for the win

Jul 04, 2006 23:48

Have just finished Never Let Me Go. Didn't know whether I wanted to finish it or not, because it was getting a bit claustrophobic, always being in Kathy's head, but I really wanted to find out more details about the donations.

A note about reading the book: go into it absolutely blind. Don't even read the little snippets of reviews they sneak in before the title page. Don't read what books they compare it to. Don't skim ahead. Don't put the book down. (Once you've finished it, or if you couldn't care less about spoilers on a book based on slow revelations, go read a bunch of reviews.

It's not really a happy ending, more of a realistic ending, in that it's quite inevitable for it to end any other way. I mean, it makes sense, and you know what's going to happen later so there isn't that "I wish he'd written an epilogue or something" feeling...

I need a good cry about it just the same.

Also, everyone * squee* at the giddyness on officialgaiman's post on the filming of Stardust, based on his novel (previously graphic novel) of the same name. Need more names? Howsabout Robert DeNiro? Or Michelle Pfeiffer? Ricky Gervais, Charlie Cox, Mark Strong, Claire Danes, Rupert Everett?

Or this description by Neil:

Best of all, it felt like its own thing. I've been trying to think of what to compare it to, but it's leaving me a bit blank -- it exists half-way between The Princess Bride and Pirates of the Caribbean, and there's nothing I've seen quite like it out there in the world before.

PS: meaningofliff is officially amazing. She's so getting an "Eternal Gratutude" coupon from me.

movies, books

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