Oh god I'm shedding...

Jul 02, 2006 22:12

I put on body oil over half an hour ago and I still feel greesy and can't help rubbing my skin which then peels off!. Not so much "peels" either, just sorta crumbles...

Reading Kazuo Ishiguro's* Never Let Me Go and it's frelling amazing. I suck at book reviews, so go google yourself. Particularly since the whole point is find out what the hell is happening. I've actually managed to not skim ahead or read the last paragraph, as is my wont**.

Flat is empty, although whether "again" or "still" is more apt, I don't know. There's supposed to be a new chick moving in (Edit: met her just now), and Alba is moving out (she payed only the first 15 days of July).

German class starts tomorrow, and I am not keen on the whole "no time" concept that this month will be.

Went to Poblet (Edit: which mom, in a very short email, says she's always wanted to vist, "yay you"), a nearby town with a working monastery, with uncles and cousins-in-law. I saw monks!

It's hard to realize that it's summer, with all that summer used to mean, for everyone else. I mean, seeing how inactive the internet is kinda makes the point to me, but I forget.

Been thinking about the PWP bathroom scene I wanted to write, and have a bit of interesting reasearch from Wikipedia... And I suppose Josey Vogel's class reports would help. Though mainly I think I'll read some smutty Sith Academy fics.

I remember how I came across the SA: through darthmaligna on fanfiction.net. It was in a comment she wrote regarding a Star Wars fic of hers, though I'd really just been reading her Toad fics, which I came to via Rogue/Wolverine and general X-Men fics.

And since Mr Park plays both Toad and Maul, it was inevitable to go from X-Men to the Maul-subculture of Star Wars.

Once I found the SA, I became a commited slasher. Because there's not only force-driven monkey sex, there's also character development and humour and plot, something I didn't often find in my early fanfic-reading years, when I'd occasionally stumble across Angel(us)/Spike or Spike/Xander (from BtVS).

And now I find myself actually prefering a well-written slash to a well-written het-fic.

So I'm going to have to write a slash PWP. There's no way around it. (Although it isn't really a PWP because there's a whole boatload of plot and backstory which isn't written yet.

On a similar note: Self, do not even think about writing a Maximus/Commodus fic. No. Just...no. If you need something along those lines, get that video rental card already. And no, don't spend ages looking for satisfactory fics on that slash.

PS: Was un-chipper for no reason and I am totally understating that.

* I love saying this name!

** Am I ever spelling this right?
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