Come and I will sing you*

Nov 23, 2014 05:33

Word Count: 2541

Novel Progress: Chapter 19 (extended) and Chapter 28.

Current Emotion: 5:30 A.M. Is An Emotion

One evening, while Bofur  was practicing a new reel on his flute, Dwalin made the mistake of grumbling about “all these wet songs that are more chorus than anything.”

“What do you mean?” says Bofur, lowering his flute.

Grace, who is sitting beside Bofur, whistling out the tune he is trying to learn, raises her eyebrows at Dwalin. “Wet songs?” she says.  “You mean mine?”

Dwalin rolls his eyes.  “They’re repetitious.”

“That’s the point,” she says.  “It’s so other people can learn them on the fly, and join in.”

“Simple, is what they are,” says Dwalin, with a tone of finality.

Grace huffs, insulted.  She is having none of that.  “Oh, you want to play?” she challenges, and has no idea what possesses her to do so.

“What?” says Dwalin, staring at her like she’s lost her mind.

“I’m going to sing you a simple, simple, teeny little song,” she says matter-of-factly, “and you’re going to take that back.”

“That, lass,” says Dwalin, crossing his arms over his chest, “is not going to happen.”

Grace smiles.

Bofur looks between her and Dwalin, and says, “I’ll put coin down on the lass.”

A few feet away, Nori’s head pops up.  “What?  What are we betting on?”

“We’re not betting on anything,” growls Dwalin.

“I am,” corrects Bofur.

Kili plops down near them, chewing on a piece of liquorice root.  “Is there a bet going?”

“Yes,” say Bofur and Nori, just as Dwalin says, “No.”

63963 / 50000 words. 128% done!

* ibid, Great Big Sea


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