Look at how not dead I am!*

May 23, 2013 00:06

Hi, I'm not dead, etc. Gods, has it really been a month since I last waves at LJ? Nothing's really changed since the last entry, although a few things are a bit clearer. I've decided to concentrate my efforts on moving to New Zealand, because *waggles fingers* I don't even know, y'all. But yeah. Look at me wax poetical about NZ.

I've also tried to figure things out by makings lists, such as shit i can see myself doing and not dying in the process (as for whether these are possible well nobody asked you so shush), shit i want out of life and i’m not even going to ask for much, and body alterations list (i.e. things i would do to my body if the idea of change didn’t make me curl up and die).

So I'm looking up NGOs and other conservation type thingies there and getting ready to dust off the CV and hit up some folk. I still haven't completely discarded the PhD idea, but, y'know, the whole soul-sucking misery of a PhD is a bit daunting. I've also checked out OpenCulture's free online university courses and decided on a few, so as soon as I can kick my ass into gear, I'll be doing these suckers.

I've been trying to finish more things, which is why I made a to-do list long enough to make me weep and cower in fear. I've also stacked up all the books I'm reading (also not pictured: North and South, which I started a few days ago because I can't stop starting books) and by gods, I will read those fuckers or so help me.

Also I've baked things, like Carrot Cake Cupcakes and Banana Bread Cupcakes.

And I've done a shit-ton of fandom stuff.

Fanmix - We Ain't Gonna Stop (Until the Clock Runs Out) - songs rocked out to in early 2013
Fanmix - Arise, Arise - songs put on repeat in early 2013
Fanmix - Singer & Song, Vol. 1, a cappella songs with one singer | Vol. 2, a cappella songs with more than one singer
Fanmix - repeat songs of late 2012 - Tomorrow is Another Day ; On Some Strange Tide

Fanfic - Being Human - There Ain’t Nothin’ Can Harm You
Fanfic - Supernatural - Seschat & Sickle’s Deanna Winchester Headcanon - Part 1: Deanna would not put up with any shit... ; Part 2 - Sam caught on before Deanna did... ; Part 3 - Sam dreamed about Jessica for the longest time...
Fanfic - The Hobbit - Seschat and Sickle’s Durin Family Feels - Part 1 - The One Where Kili Makes Thorin Laugh Instead of Yell at Him ; Part 2 - The One Where Fili’s Hair Makes Everyone Cry ; Part 3 - The One With the Nicknames and Lullabies ; Part 4 - The One With the Nightmares ; Part 5 - The One Where The House of Durin Cannot Shake Off Death ; Part 6 - The One Where Everyone Learns How to Braid ; Part 7 - The One Where Fili and Kili are Double Trouble ; Part 8 - The One Where Fili is a Pyromaniac
Liveblogs - Robin Hood - Sickle Watches Robin Hood

The Hobbit A Softer World Remixes

No, you’re just nothing
Absolutely nothing

The lightning bolt made enough heat to melt the street beneath your feet.

ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς - Either [with] it, or on it.
Meaning “either you will win the battle, or you will die and then be carried back home on your shield”. It was said by Spartan mothers to their sons before they went out to battle to remind them of their bravery and duty to Sparta and Greece. A hoplite could not escape the field of battle unless he tossed away the heavy and cumbersome shield. Therefore losing one’s shield meant desertion. [x]

Richard Armitage [x]:
"Yeah, I think knowing that his father and his grandfather have been touched by this dragon sickness which doesn’t necessarily affect all dwarves, but some dwarves are susceptible to it. It’s this attraction to gold which becomes their downfall, has always been at the back of his mind."

Supernatural A Softer World Remixes

Other Fanart

I wonder if a soldier ever does mend a bullet hole in his coat? - Clara Barton.

The Hobbit Goes to Candy Mountain Parody

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

She don’t take no prisoners
Gonna give me the business
Got a dragon on my back
It’s a dragon attack
Queen - Dragon Attack [x]

The Hobbit meets Star Trek, a comparison (or: I’ve finally figured out why I keep finding that photograph of Thorin unsettling and disorienting)

Dancy can see monsters [...] And she has been sent by an angel to kill them. - Threshold (2007) by Caitlín R. Kiernan

Links of the Day:
cleolinda's Review Star Trek ; On Kindle Worlds
hesychasm's On Kindle Worlds
John Scalzi's On Kindle Words

* Common expression

my fics, i do not remember any of my tags, tv: supernatural, my daily life, my fanmixes

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