Supernatural, "Death's Door" (7x10):
- Tears, tears everywhere and everyone's dead.
- Crowley get your ass up here and fix this. Now.
- PS: Rufus! ♥
So because I can't feel anymore, here's Ashdoode's Fanvid, "Losing Your Memory". Just, y'know, to spread the pain.
Click to view
Lord of the Rings Fandom Rewatch:
Join the December marathon! Everybody watch the extended editions! This weekend, The Fellowship of the Ring.
Links of the Day:
littlehollyleaf's Report
Asylum 7mrscastielftw's Review
How to Win Friends and Influence People,
Time for a Weddinglightthesparks's Fanart
Rules of the Roadbevwa's Fanvid
Everything Will Be Okay - ...right after I stop grossly sobbing over this fanvid.
mithborien's Fanvid
Hey Jude (Mary)
ketoh's Fanvid
I Was Alone Falling Free (Godstiel, 2014!Castiel)
angelicfoodcake's Fanart
J2 Bookmarksontdspnparty's Thread
David Farrier's interview of Mark SheppardRoby79ist's Video
Mark and Sebastian Panel - Jus in Bello 2Disasterpiece Theatre's
Podcast with Misha Collins- Endiness' Meta #So damn straight I constantly defend Castiel and point out what other characters did wrong too #It’s not trying to ‘shift blame’- it’s because the show doesn’t and likely never will
- Tickle_me_misha's Fanvid GIF and Text Castiel's lip quiver ; Fic Recs Dean/Castiel jealousy ; When You Roll the Dice ; GIF and Drabble Castiel/Misha ; Review The Mentalist ; GIFs and Meta #this scene is one of my favourites #because it is represents so fully to me Castiel’s progression as a being of free will ; GIFs and Drabble Dean finds himself jolting awake from where he sleeps with his arms outstretched like he’s cradling ghosts of what might have been... ; Meta okay that was a really great episode but i am seriously pissed off now
- Youatemytailor's Audio Car, Rain, Prayer, an improvised monologue (Dean Winchester) - ♥ ; Video Ghishwhes ; Meta Sam: "Seeing Lucifer is fine with me"
- Newton_pulsifer's Meta Alright, motherfucker, you take a god damn seat because I am about to take you on a ride on the Sam Winchester motherfuckin’ Express. - "(The joke there is about how I’m expressing some motherfucking feelings and shit about Samuel fuckin’ Winchester and how he is, fundamentally, better than you all up in this bitch.)" ; Sexism is also bad: here is how I have been oppressed ; Meta On Supernatural, "good writing", and Season 7 ; Masterpost Liz's Shenanigans ; FIC Recs Ladies ; Thread On Misha and Supernatural ; Misha on Castiel’s exit and not knowing whether or not he’ll be returning. ; Fic rec: 2014 verse, jealous Dean, human Castiel, top!Castiel ; Meta While there’s no denying SPN started out as a story about the brothers, and always will be about the brothers, Castiel was woven into their story...
- Mishafordinner's On Misha and Supernatural
- Nerdishh's Meta Crowley, in "Slash Fiction"
- Letmetouchit's Meta Season 7
- Yourfandomsucks' Meta Why Supernatural Season 7 is a Success (So Far)
- Nothings_changed's Meta Supernatural Season 7 and The Vampire Diaries
- Soulfisting's Video Misha's GISHWHES video ; Meta Sometimes I just sit here and think about how they completely butchered Castiel’s character out of nowhere ; Darius Marder Appreciation Page ; Misha Collins' answer regarding Castiel's absence in Season 7 (Asylum 7 transcript - as accurate as I could make it)
- Mishasminions' The Story of Dean and Cas (Season Four) - Macros
- Inkhead's Fic Blood and Fire
- Gaywatch's Meta Supernatural
- Ladyosthesilent's Meta Dean’s issues, John Winchester, and why we need Castiel
- Lameassmadeupmaidenname's Bobby's death in "The End" - *cries* ; Fanvid It’s a Long Way Down (Supernatural) by Heathyr.
Doctor Who:
Other Fandom:
Breaking Dawn in Fifteen Minutesmade_of_fail's Breaking Dawn Review
Episode Forty-Eight: And Then the Werewolf Fell In Love With the WAIT WHATobsessive24's Game of Thrones Fanvid
Ironpenny_lane_42's Picspam
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Race!Swap CastingMarz Girl's
Picks Apart the Twilight novelsFriesian's
The Fascist Ideology of Star Trek: Militarism, Collectivism, & AtheismRandom:
This is the face of obesityMy Recession Kitchen's
Pumkpkin Cheesecake SquaresThe Baker Chick's
Apple Pie Pop-Tarts with Cinnamon GlazeTasty Kitchen's
Peanut Butter Cup Brownie Bottom CheesecakeCatbird's
Jewellery -
A heart with an impalable dagger!Jezebel's
Send us your scariest ghost stories - Links to a particularly good one.
Middle Earth RecipesWiki's
Hundings - "The Hundings (Old English Hundingas, the "hound-clan") are a legendary tribe or clan in early Germanic sources, mostly mentioned due to their feud with the Wulfings (the "wolf-clan")."
The Noise Cast's
Survival Week: Zombie Apocalypse GuideFt's
Unpacking my library: Six writers and their book-collecting habits Food52's
"Nutella" Pudding - Does not include any actual nutella
Teenagers Revive Dead Languages Through TextingEffingpot's
British SlangNadleeh's
Heteronormativity and Media, tl;drHoydenabouttown's
Popularity of long-debunked rape myths: talk about dishearteningWiki's
How to Destroy Angels (album)Wiktionary's
Into the WoodsIMDB's
The Company of WolvesQuote Garden's
Quote GardenTestadoprovadoeaprovado's
Aple pie (in the pie)Lescromagnons'
"Là-haut dans la montagne" lyrics - I learned this at camp but could never remember anything beyond a couple lines.
Hyperbole and a Half's
Adventures in Depression- Tumblr's Scientific Illustration
- Tumblr's RPattzTalks
- Tumblr's Nanowrimotherapy
- Yourfandomsucks' Shipping gets a bad name in fandom. It should not. - "In truth, shippers often care MORE about the story and the writing than casual viewers, or even hardcore fans. Shippers take the time to break down characters and the relationships between them in careful and complicated ways like i’ve never seen. [...] What a shipper is, and what value they have on a fandom community is simple. They represent the human element to the show, and I think that makes other people uncomfortable. People who may not have such an easy time empathizing with fictional characters that is. Give a shipper a single episode or a moment, and they will come back with an essay about it."
- Doodleofboredom's Counter to "art is useless
- Newton_pulsifer's 10 things 90s kids will have to explain to their children ; So you want a social justice 101 post? ; Conflating violence with mental illness is always harmful ; October 1, 1989: World’s first legal same-sex marriag ; Why are there so few female and non-white directors? - "Steve McQueen asking a lineup of six white male directors why they so rarely cast minorities in movies. Also, how about that telling list of only three female directors at the beginning?" and see also Johnwatson's comments ; I am over rape - Tape and rape culture ; 10 Common myths about medically transitioning - *This post is most applicable to people in the United States, but can be useful to others who reside elsewhere* ; Tropes vs. women ; High School Students Crowned America’s First Lesbian Homecoming Couple ; 15 Styles of distorted thinking ; Isn’t it funny that we only do it with rape?
- Rosalarian's Dressed to Kill - On the physical portrayal of superhero women in comics.
- Crowleyismyco-pilot's Video and Text A bill was just passed to allow bullying of any kind in Michigan.
- Youatemytailor's Ashlynn Conner, a pretty ‘All-American’ girl, was driven to suicide by bullies at just 10 years old.
- Tickle_me_misha's Photos Average Faces From Around The World - I actually hate how the American "average face" was separated into "White American" and "African American" because a) the whole point is to have the average American face and b) if you're going to do different ethnicities, then by gods cover them all.
- Soulfisting's Video Out Of This World Bloopers of the Day: And now, a montage of clips featuring astronauts falling on the moon ; Video Everything is funnier with helium and sulfur hexafluoride.
- Oxymoronish's Korean High School - WATCH THIS
- Youatemytailr's Use your iPhone to find things in the room - 0.0 ; Inconvenience? You hear that people capable of getting pregnant? This is all merely an inconvenience
- Cunt_synchroneity's Breaking Dawn: Part 1-An Anti-Abortion Message in a Bruised-Apple Package
- Anxietycat's how to decode a person with an anxiety disorder
- Seschat's Privilege reference list
* Anon.